Not Being A Wimp Works – IOTW Report

Not Being A Wimp Works


Town Hall: Maybe Kim Il Whatever won’t denuclearize, but then again the roly-poly dictator has seemed to come around to our way of thinking. Maybe it’s the lingering awesomeness of Barack Obama that led him to acts of unprecedented good behavior. Maybe it’s just that he’s decided to be a nice guy. Or maybe it’s because, under Donald Trump, the United States stopped acting like a simpering wuss.

Wusses and wimps…why, those are playground words, unfit for a discussion of foreign relations and international diplomacy! Except that’s entirely wrong. Human nature plays out in the playgrounds – the lessons taught by run-ins with bullies and fisticuffs under the jungle gym are, in many ways, far more important than the hoary discourses about “realism” and “soft power” taught in the very best schools and think tanks.

If someone gets in your face, and you break their nose, they don’t get in your face anymore. You don’t need to go to Georgetown to learn that. In fact, going to Georgetown is more likely to make you unlearn what is the most important lesson of all.

Power means being able to make other people do things they don’t want to do by hurting them if they refuse. That’s reality.

Our bestest and brightest are often taught the DIME paradigm – that the components of national power are Diplomatic (talking and cajoling), Information (messaging and propaganda), Military (boom!) and Economic (writing a check). DIE is okay, but DIE is what you will do if you don’t have a powerful M.    read more

7 Comments on Not Being A Wimp Works

  1. “The world saw Barack Obama was weak, feckless and afraid.”

    What we saw was; Obama destroying our military, Bowing, whining, division, pandering, apologizing internationally, paying off rogue anti-American Regimes and not serving America’s interests or its citizens. Yet, the Progressive lapdog media continued to sing his praises.

    Trump does serve our interests Economically, Nationally, Defensively and Constitutionally. The Lapdog media attacks his every step, while the country club RINOs in Congress and the partisan bureaucrats in federal Agencies fail to fulfill their duties and responsibilities to the the Constitution and the Country.

    Electing Conservatives who support President Trump is our only avenue to continue what he has started.

  2. One thing President Trump understands better than anyone that hasn’t been in big business finance: Money is power.
    The fastest way to get the proper behavior is to cut off funds.
    His willingness to cut off funds, and to not just threaten but follow through, gives him a power that past presidents have imagined to be non-American, against American values. So they didn’t wield the power in their hands.
    So they continued to get the bad behavior.
    Trump uses the power. And gets corrected behavior.

  3. Leftists know full well what they’re doing, and it’s their full intention to wreck our world.

    Even W proved what a display of strength can accomplish. Can you spell Khadafi?

    Yet that wasn’t enough for the Globalists who later had Moammar bumped off for reasons we can only speculate.

  4. We’re going to expend hundreds of billions on NOKO to buy thier good behavior.

    I’m really sorry if any of you thought Donald pulled off the lessening of tension in the Korean Pennisula with cleverly worded threats or hardball diplomacy.

    Un speaks cash. He’s gonna’ get well. Then lie to us, get caught lying, and deny that. You can get away with that shit when you are the dictator of a soverign nuclear power.

    There really isn’t any downside for him. And him is all that matters to him.

    Iran should be following along this path very soon. We should thank France and Russia both for their generous (for cash) assistance to Iran.


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