Detroit hip hop station kicks Kanye West off its airwaves – IOTW Report

Detroit hip hop station kicks Kanye West off its airwaves

CR: A Detroit, Michigan, radio station is pulling Kanye West’s songs off the air after his controversial comments about slavery earlier this week.

Fox 2 News reports that morning hosts BiGG and Shay Shay of 105.1 The Bounce, a “throwback Hip Hop and R&B station,” went live on Facebook to announce they would no longer play West’s music.

“Why can’t we make a statement? In the small fish that we are, to say, I don’t want to hear Kanye right now. I don’t want to play his music; I don’t want to hear him on our show,” Shay Shay said.

“As of this moment, we will #MuteKanye on the Morning Bounce and we will not play any of Kanye West’s music, music that he’s featured on, music that he raps on, none of his throwbacks. We are banning Kanye West’s music from this radio station,” BiGG added.

West came under fire earlier this week after he said black slavery in America was a “choice” in an interview with TMZ.

“When you hear about slavery for 400 years … For 400 years? That sounds like a choice,” he said, adding “you were there for 400 years and it’s all of y’all. It’s like we’re mentally imprisoned.”

After backlash for these comments, West took to Twitter Tuesday to clarify his comments in tweets that have since been deleted.  more

17 Comments on Detroit hip hop station kicks Kanye West off its airwaves

  1. Yeah stick your head in the echo chamber so you don’t get exposed to different ideas and get triggered. Maybe you are the intolerant one — at least you guys always accuse us right wingers of that. Put a cry closet in your studio too! Leftism = Sedition!!!

  2. She knew EXACTLY what Kanye meant. He’s been talking about this same thing for about a year now, as I remember. So her outrage about his comment is bullshizzle. Why did’t she ban him back then?

  3. Vice President Joe Biden on Tuesday told a diverse crowd here, including many African-Americans, that presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney would “put you all back in chains”

    who is putting who in chains ?

    if the left didn’t have bullshit to spew, they wouldn’t have anything to say.

  4. Proof positive that Kanye is right. No black person better every speak bad about the democrats and GOD forbid they ever praise Trump. They are still slaves, they are still on the plantation, most of them just don’t understand it…yet. If a majority of them ever wise up, the democrats are done as a party. They know that, and will never let it happen.

  5. God forbid that Candance Owens would ever like to visit. I’m about 10 miles north of Detroit city limits, wouldn’t go there if my priest DEMANDED it. A recognition of capital letter D is all you need to vote; literacy rate is approx 40%. That is ALL you need to know.

  6. Utopian statism cannot tolerate dissent or debate ideas in a fair forum. It is a political philosophy of the infantile and as most who have ever played checkers with a young child knows the rules have to be kept pretty plastic, flexible and skewed in the child’s favor if a meltdown is to be avoided. The problem America has gotten into is that mollycoddling of those who don’t have what it takes to grow up and progress intellectually has become more the rule and less the exception and the result is legions of pussyhats, Antifas, BLMs etc etc etc

    Stevie Wonder could have seen this coming. I recognized where this was headed back in the 1960’s when I was still in grammar school

  7. This puts the light on the fact that America and Freedom are also the free expression of thought.
    Those silencing him because he left the plantation paint themselves with the filth of Tyranny

  8. Rapping about slinging dope, carjacking people, raping women and underage girls, killing rivals and the poh-lice, jews running the record industry, smoking weed and otherwise poisoning da black community is still acceptable I presume.


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