New Jersey’s “Mystery Pooper” Pinched – IOTW Report

New Jersey’s “Mystery Pooper” Pinched

KFI: Police Identify Superintendent As Mystery Pooper At New Jersey High School.

New Jersey police have solved the case of the mystery pooper at Holmdel High School. Police set up surveillance after receiving daily reports of human feces being found around the football field and track and were shocked when the footage captured the superintendent of Kenilworth Public Schools relieving himself on the field.    more here

27 Comments on New Jersey’s “Mystery Pooper” Pinched

  1. His excuse will be “Well I had to go urgently and there were no restrooms around.” The school should provide restrooms for people who use the football field to exercise. Or another excuse could be that he suffers from IBS. I see charges being dismissed. At least he wasn’t masturbating and being caught on camera. The story is humiliating enough.

  2. While this has all the ingredients of a democrat….
    Can anyone possibly think there is ANY reason for this type of behavior??
    How can ANYONE look at this stupidity and not think ‘mental illness’??
    The blatant ignorance is beyond reproach…
    Is this a sure sign of the coming apocalypse?
    How in the hell…..This has to be the epitome of leadership gone mad.

  3. I live the next own over from this guy. All my teenage kids had this story before me. The radio station was having an hour discussion. He is F*cked up in the head, obviously! Supposedly there was an open port-a-potty within 100 yards of his defecation. One caller said he only did it under the bleachers? Who knows?

    Another caller said there was a “Men’s Magazine” with an article explaining the affliction to defecate in public if you are not an animal. The reason…You feel deficiant?

  4. For someone with better writing skills than I do, and more time, should be able to create a variation on the old Johnny Carson /Jack Webb “Claude Cooper Copper Klepto Caper”. Hilarious!

  5. Can’t wait for the surveillance video to be released showing this steward of our children’s minds hunkered down grunting out a steaming log onto the field. Touchdown!

    Without a doubt this freak is a rabid member of the democrat communist party.


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