Newest Mueller Prosecutor Donated To Hillary Clinton – IOTW Report

Newest Mueller Prosecutor Donated To Hillary Clinton

DC: The latest addition to special counsel Robert Mueller’s team of prosecutors contributed to Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign, according to federal campaign records.

Uzo Asonye, an assistant U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, is joining Mueller’s stable of prosecutors to work as local counsel on the case against Paul Manafort, President Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman who has been indicted on money laundering and bank fraud charges.

Asonye worked at the firm O’Melveny & Myers before joining the U.S. attorney’s office in 2010. Asonye donated $900 to Clinton’s presidential campaign from January to April 2008, according to Federal Election Commission records. He has not donated to any other national political campaigns since then.

Asonye is just the latest Democrat to join Mueller’s team.

As The Daily Caller News Foundation has reported, none of Mueller’s prosecutors, which number nearly 20 in all, are registered Republicans. As of February, 13 Mueller lawyers were registered Democrats. A public records search shows Asonye has registered to vote as a Democrat.

At least 12 Mueller attorneys have donated to Democratic political candidates.  read more

10 Comments on Newest Mueller Prosecutor Donated To Hillary Clinton

  1. “Newest Mueller Prosecutor Donated To Hillary Clinton”

    Why should Hillary Clinton be entitled to have a Mueller prosecutor donated to her?
    Can’t she afford to pay for one of her own?

  2. 13 of nearly 20?
    Something odd in this equation
    Nearly sounds variable
    13 to 6, is that the true statement?
    Or is it a 20 to 1 run.
    Math is hard
    Can I have a MAGA for the Win, Vanna

  3. When I was at the Federal Reserve, we were prohibited from donating or working on campaigns. We weren’t even supposed to have political stickers on our cars. I’m surprised this is no longer a problem.

  4. This reminds me of something out of the French Revolution, when the Committee of Public Safety instituted the Reign of Terror under Maximilien Robespierre. Yeah, I know, nobody is being sent to the guillotine, but Robespierre Mueller seems to have assembled a modern day collection of Jacobins that are not going to be satisfied until they have killed off the Trump Administration.

  5. I think I’m most disgusted by Sessions. If he has something they’re holding over him then he never should have taken such a vital position. He’s cast Trump to the wolves and appears to be lending at least tacit support to the presidents tormentors.
    This is an all out coup, and if there isn’t something done soon blood is going to run.

  6. Everybody’s saying Mueller is about to wrap this thing up. So this new guy must be part of the wrap-up crew, right?

    Or maybe he’s black, and Mueller had a hiring quota to hit. Sounds like an immigrant, too. Double diversity credits for Bob!

  7. Trump didn’t just win the election. He has opened our eyes. This spasm from the deep state in response to him being elected proves how corrupt our nation has become. We owe this criminal exposure to Trump. If Hillary was elected we never would of seen the rot in full sunlight. Just like when obama was preezy, everything would of been swept under the rug.


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