3.9 Percent – IOTW Report

3.9 Percent

Breitbart: Unemployment Falls to Lowest Rate Since 2000 Despite Smaller than Expected Jobs Gains in April.

The U.S. economy added 164,000 jobs in April and unemployment ticked down to 3.9 percent, the lowest since before the bursting of the tech bubble at the end of the last century.

Economists had forecast nonfarm payrolls to grow by 192,000 and unemployment to tick down from 4.1 percent to 4.0 percent, according to Thomson Reuters. The unemployment rate had been stuck at 4.1 percent for sixth months.

April’s employment report showed that hiring has snapped back from a particularly weak March when the economy added just 135,000 jobs, according to the revised figure released Friday. Initially, March was reported to have added just 103,000 jobs. March’s weakness was likely due to harsh weather and payback from a particularly strong hiring month in February, which added 324,000 jobs after Friday’s revisions.

The upward revision of March’s numbers may help explain why April’s numbers fell short of expectations. The 30,000 or so jobs that weren’t created in April were actually created earlier in the year.  more here

SNIP: Yet, somewhere on the internet right now, there’s a story on the LSM which swears up and down that this was because of 0bama.

*eye roll*

4 Comments on 3.9 Percent

  1. Well of course. Barry implemented the FDR method of creating vast government payouts, and it, um, worked in the 1930s, right?
    Payouts to cronies, of course, government money is only given to the needy as a facade for giving bunches to the connected.

  2. The Left is also bemoaning this as showing a “shortage” of workers. There are still a lot of people not working, the U-3 numbers are misleadingly low, and probably too many people are still on welfare.

    I know in my area there is a definite shortage of skilled trades workers, but no shortage of college students working on worthless degrees. We need to get trade schools up and running, and crank out some plumbers, electricians, HVAC techs, etc.

  3. The source of the “Obama deserves credit for the unemployment numbers” is that Iranian Irritant Valerie Jarrett.

    That Moslem Midget should retire to Martha’s Vineyard and STFU.


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