DOJ inspector general’s testimony postponed, amid new leads in Clinton case review – IOTW Report

DOJ inspector general’s testimony postponed, amid new leads in Clinton case review

FOX: Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s widely anticipated testimony next week before the House Oversight Committee has been postponed, as the Justice Department IG has pursued new leads in his review of the Hillary Clinton email investigation, according to a congressional letter and sources familiar with the matter.

“It is of the utmost importance that your review be as fulsome, complete and unimpeded as possible,” Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., the chairman of the committee, wrote in a recent letter to Horowitz obtained by Fox News.

Horowitz was scheduled to appear before the committee on May 8. But Gowdy told Horowitz he wants to reschedule his testimony “as close to the day the report is finalized as is practicable.”

Gowdy said the decision to postpone is based on “the representations” in an April 23 letter from Horowitz. read more


6 Comments on DOJ inspector general’s testimony postponed, amid new leads in Clinton case review

  1. I’m a Q follower. He posted something today that he has since deleted. I’ll do my best to paint the picture. There’s an informant that can implicated BoRock and Hitlary in U1 testifying tomorrow. According to Q this guys had 6 attempts on his life. That’s as a very unusual Q post, complete with web sights verifying the guys testimony. Since erased. Just sayen, watch the news for strange shit tomorrow.

  2. This should go like domino’s once the first few indictments are issued. They’ll all rat on the others looking for the best deal. We got an inkling with the statement about Mueller’s witch hunt. Maybe the fun is finally beginning.

  3. Nothing will happen she will be free and clear to run outside the law now and forever so who cares jeff sessions will recuse himself and the clintons will run like they always have


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