Levin: ‘Stop listening to all the babbling’ Mueller cannot indict Trump – IOTW Report

Levin: ‘Stop listening to all the babbling’ Mueller cannot indict Trump

Conservative Review: Mark Levin suggests Trump should take his case to SCOTUS if Mueller indicts or subpoenas the president.

On Thursday night, LevinTV host Mark Levin reiterated to Sean Hannity that special counsel Robert Mueller cannot indict President Donald Trump while he remains in office and demanded that the Trump administration take its case to the Supreme Court if Mueller attempts to do so.

“This is not me speaking; this is the Department of Justice speaking, and the position of the Justice Department has not been repealed and has not been amended” since October 16, 2000, Levin said. “Grand juries and prosecutors cannot supplant Congress.”

The only way to remove a president established by the Constitution and by DOJ interpretation of the Constitution is for Congress to trigger the impeachment process, Levin explained.

“He cannot be indicted as a sitting president. Period.”

Levin offered some advice to the president and his lawyers.

“Focus. You’re making this too complicated. The Constitution is on the side of the president. The Department of Justice’s own position, which you can read for yourselves, is on the side of the president of the United States. Historical precedent is on the side of the president of the United States. Legal precedent is on the side of the president of the United States. more here

4 Comments on Levin: ‘Stop listening to all the babbling’ Mueller cannot indict Trump

  1. I’ve reached maximum saturation with this nonsense. It’s long past time for Mueller to show his hand, time for the IG to release an UNREDACTED report and time for the DOJ/FBI housecleaning and indictments.

    The tolerance for left wing and bureaucrat criminality is treasonous.

  2. I keep coming back to the feeling that Trump is enjoying this … maybe a little too much. He obviously thrives in chaos & is using this as a distraction to the media …. like dangling a ball on a string in front of a cat.

    I say, Trump should dry up Mueller’s budget & get it wrapped up by the end of summer
    he can get a nut-job like Li’l Kim to act semi-human; Progtards are a bit more rabid


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