Scotland: Disabled Man Faces Prison for Carrying Potato Peeler Outside – IOTW Report

Scotland: Disabled Man Faces Prison for Carrying Potato Peeler Outside

DANGEROUS: A man with “significant learning difficulties” was arrested and jailed after found in a Scottish street carrying a potato peeler “without reasonable excuse.”

The United Kingdom must be stopped.

Scott Walker, 39, was taken from custody to Dunfermline Sheriff Court where he admitted that he was carrying a potato peeler in a public place. Technically a potato peeler counts as an object that has a “blade” or is “sharply pointed.”

Potato peelers now join Nazi pugs on Scotland’s official “gulag” list.  more here

32 Comments on Scotland: Disabled Man Faces Prison for Carrying Potato Peeler Outside

  1. Ya gotta be shittin me!

    I thank God my ancestors left that benighted land centuries ago.

    Where dafuk is William Wallace when you need him?

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. It appears the blood lines of William Wallace, Robert the Bruce and Scottish King James IV no longer exists in Scotland.
    It is a sad sight to see.
    Thank the Lord for Scottish immigration to the US, it strengthened our blood lines for over 200 years.

  3. The UK has been irrevocably exposed to the viral contagion known as “Europe” ever since they decided to dig that damn Chunnel.
    Even with Brexit I fear they too far gone.

  4. “When all You have is Peeler…all problems look like a Potato”

    (I’ll be in the iotw lounge…trying to shake loose that stuck

    bag of Lays out of the Vending Machine…)

  5. Sent an e-mail on this one to Mr. Big and his response was,

    “Just think if he had a cheese grater!”

    Or some such reply… How many years in prison for one of those? Boggles the mind!

  6. …arrested and jailed after found in a Scottish street carrying a potato peeler “without reasonable excuse.”

    And a reasonable excuse would be…

    Oh man, you can’t make this stuff up! And I’m sitting here cracking up at all your comments….funny stuff!!!

  7. So just how soon are they going to try to ban can openers and then bottle openers and any other kind of kitchen tool that could cause mayhem not just to innocent vegetables but people as well? I also use my potato peeler to peel turnips. If this keeps up we’ll have to eat all our veggies raw since all the kitchen tools will be banned because of a single crazy guy with a supposed illegal potato peeler. And God forbid someone might use a plastic straw, someone could use it to shoot spitballs and shoot some dumbass lib turds eye out.

  8. As far as I’m concerned, they can all eat their potatoes with the skins on, if that’s what arresting this fellow with his potato peeler means?
    I see why the Irish left the United Kingdom during the Great Famine, or what’s referred to also as the Irish Potato Famine, during which a million Irish died of famine and another emigrated, actually fled for the lives, many to America, but also to Canada, Australia and New Zealand. What is heart breaking is that the Irish peasants were working the land, raising crops which the English landlords took and exported out of Ireland, transporting shiploads of grain out of Ireland in front of the starving masses for their profits, often parents watching their children and families dying of starvation. The population of Ireland dropped by almost a fourth from 1845 to 1849. After this, the Irish never trusted the English again, and were willing to undergo any sacrifice in order to escape English domination. The English broke the understanding that the leaders of a country would look after the welfare of the populace. The Republic of Ireland achieved independence after the 5 year Irish War of Independence, in 1921.
    It doesn’t appear there has been much change in attitude since then as far as the UK is concerned. Are they concerned for the welfare of the populace?

  9. Oh the best part (or worst) is that one of the links leads to a local news article with this sentence: “”A man ended up behind bars after being found in a Dunfermline street with an offensive weapon, a potato peeler.”

    Seriously, do these people listen to themselves? At all? Ever?

  10. He got it through the ‘knife show loophole.’ Y’know, the Ron Popiel infomercials where you could order a full set of ginsu knives –that came with free kitchen gadgets if you ordered by midnight– with no background check.

  11. Whispers: “Hey – ya want yer potato peeled? I’ve got me contraband peeler, here!”

    Potato Peelers were outlawed alongside the Dirk after Culloden.

    izlamo delenda est …


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