Rosie O’Donnell Has Been Staying Up Late Making Illegal Donations To Democrats – IOTW Report

Rosie O’Donnell Has Been Staying Up Late Making Illegal Donations To Democrats

“I was not choosing to over donate. If 2700 is the cut off — [candidates] should refund the money. I don’t look to see who I can donate most to … I just donate assuming they do not accept what is over the limit.

My anxiety is quelled by donating to those opposing Trump [and] his agenda — especially at night — when most of these were placed.” 

However, according to the Post’s report, O’Donnell’s illegal contributions were made using four variations of her name and five different addresses. – Story@ Daily Caller.

SNIP: Didn’t Dinesh D’souza get into trouble plus community service for over-paying contributions? At least he used his real name.

17 Comments on Rosie O’Donnell Has Been Staying Up Late Making Illegal Donations To Democrats

  1. Where does a loser like this get that much income? Where does that loser, who can’t manage her money, Alyssa Milano get enough money to hire armed security? I don’t get it. Last I heard Milano was broke as a joke. Who’s funding these assholes?

  2. quotes from the book ….

    “Call me … Big Whale”
    “She breaches!”
    From hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee. Ye damned whale.”
    “It is our task in life to kill whales … ”

    … Herman Melville’s ‘Rosie Dick(less)

  3. Dinesh D’souza got five years probation, fined $30,000 for overdonating in 2012 campaign.
    What about Rosie? Kathy Griffin? Mika Brzezinski?
    Hollywood MSMedia funds most everything under tables.
    They state it Live on the Air.
    Jeff Sessions needs a swig of Grannies red juice.

  4. @Choc Pops May 6, 2018 at 1:39 am

    (puts finger to side of nose… outside [thanks! edit button])

    Jeff Sessions needs to know her “anxiety is quelled” by the reefer madness. All those illegal donations just happen because she’s still got the phone in her hand after ordering all that pizza. It seemed like a good idea at the times.

  5. She won’t be prosecuted.
    Socialists never prosecute socialists for criminal activities. And the non-socialists in a position to prosecute are too cowardly.

    “No Enemies on the Left.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. “I just donate assuming they do not accept what is over the limit.”
    Does that go for you donating your ‘body’ for science after you die?

  7. You know you’re living in their heads when they can’t sleep because of you and they spend money on nothing real to make themselves feel better.

    But it doesn’t last. They need another fix – click! another $1000 for that fleeting resistance rush.

    Hopefully they donate themselves out of their fortunes. Then they can go live under bridges like the trolls they are.

  8. @Jugeroybean May 6, 2018 at 10:50 am

    >Willing to bet the real reason she’s not sleeping is because she’s fantasizing bout having sex with Michael Moore.

    That would be two tons of rolling, sweating, farting, grunting, hogflesh. Not a nice visual.

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