NASA’s New InSight Lander To Study How Mars Was Made – IOTW Report

NASA’s New InSight Lander To Study How Mars Was Made

KFI: NASA has launched another mission to Mars and this one will give scientists its deepest look yet into the planet’s interior. The InSight lander, a 790-pound probe took off early Saturday morning, beginning its six-month mission to the Red Planet.

“The United States continues to lead the way to Mars with this next exciting mission to study the Red Planet’s core and geological processes,” said NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine. “I want to congratulate all the teams from NASA and our international partners who made this accomplishment possible. As we continue to gain momentum in our work to send astronauts back to the Moon and on to Mars, missions like InSight are going to prove invaluable.”

The new lander has several abilities that will give scientists its clearest picture of Mars’ interior yet. The lander is designed to dig nearly sixteen feet into the planet’s interior allowing scientists to “take the planet’s temperature.” The probe will also take measurements of “marsquakes” with the help of a seismometer placed on the Martian surface.   read more

6 Comments on NASA’s New InSight Lander To Study How Mars Was Made

  1. Pardon me for being the contrarian, but are we not flat broke? Doesn’t 23 trillion in the hole look like bankruptcy to you? Can’t we find something better to do with that money, like pay down our debt?

  2. NASA heading to Mars…
    The stated reason was to find out how planets are formed,
    The Web-Hubble telescope already performs that function,
    An unstated mission is to scout locations for McDonald’s Franchises.

  3. “Can’t we find something better to do with that money, like pay down our debt?”

    Who do we owe the debt To? Dollars to donuts it’s a-holes like Soros or under their influence. If we don’t pay them back, no tears cried on this side.


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