FBI Faced ‘Conundrum’ In Its Investigation Of Michael Flynn – IOTW Report

FBI Faced ‘Conundrum’ In Its Investigation Of Michael Flynn

McCabe testified that he was not aware that the closure of the Flynn investigation was “imminent” as of late 2016. But he told House Intel in a Dec. 19, 2017 interview that the FBI “really had not substantiated anything particularly significant against General Flynn.”

Daily Caller: In late 2016, then-FBI Director James Comey was ready to shut down a counterintelligence investigation the bureau had open on Michael Flynn, the retired general who was set to serve as President Donald Trump’s national security adviser.

Investigators “had not really substantiated anything particularly significant” in its investigation into Flynn’s possible links to foreign governments, Comey’s deputy, Andrew McCabe, told Congress late last year.

But the case took on new life just days into Flynn’s White House tenure.  more here

3 Comments on FBI Faced ‘Conundrum’ In Its Investigation Of Michael Flynn

  1. I just pray that Gen. Michael Flynn is cleared of this “process crime” bullshit and is appointed Director of the FBI by President Trump. He’d take a flame thrower to that phucking swamp and dry it up. MAGA.

  2. Defund and disband the FBI. They’re nothing more than a secret police for the democratic party. Nothing about their behavior of the past 2 years contradicts that.


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