Seventy-Year-Old Grandma Lights Up Alleged Home Intruder, Leaves Him Hospitalized – IOTW Report

Seventy-Year-Old Grandma Lights Up Alleged Home Intruder, Leaves Him Hospitalized

DailyCaller; A 70-year-old grandmother shot an alleged home intruder in Philadelphia, Pa., early Saturday morning, leaving him hospitalized.

Maxine Thompson woke around 4:30 a.m. after she heard a loud banging noise, she said. She looked out her window and saw a man pounding on her door, trying to break in — she told him to stop. He then smashed a window and entered her house. Thompson grabbed her handgun, which she said was from her mother, and fired shots at the suspect, according to Fox News.

“First, I thought I was dreaming, and then, I looked out the window, outside. I was still hearing the banging, banging, banging, so I yelled to whoever, ‘Who’s that on my door? Get off my door; get off my door,’” Thompson said. More

15 Comments on Seventy-Year-Old Grandma Lights Up Alleged Home Intruder, Leaves Him Hospitalized

  1. Grandma….you did the right thing…..shoot the fucker and let the facts speak for themselves.

    I am here to tell you….my own grandmother, (on my mother’s side), would have shot the bastard. Of course those were in the good ol’ days when a person had a right to defend themself.

  2. “I shot at him. He turned around and he ran and when he ran, I ran down the steps behind him and shot at him some more,” Thompson recalled. “Kill him before he kills me. That’s what was going through my mind.”

    Granny maybe a good shot, but she is not to wise, if she were 40 instead of 70 and lived in New York, California or anywhere ruled by lefty anti gun DA’s she would find her self waking up in jail today with that comment.

    open fire then shut your mouth, let your lawyer do the talking, and never talk to scoundrels in the media they are NOT YOUR FRIENDS!

  3. so? … when will they charge her for using an unregistered firearm & unlawful ‘ventilation’?

    …where is that little twatwaffle Hoggie Boy when you need him?

    (sarc off)

  4. I’m sure someone with a more developed legal mind than mine can tell me where I’m wrong, but if a POS is trying to bust my door down to steal from me and hurt my family, I don’t want him to ever come back. And if I have to track him down and shoot him as he is laying in the bathtub that might be what it takes. I know, good way to spend the rest of your life in prison, but satisfying to think about. Damn criminals have more rights than the victims. We damn sure need to remove the criminal element from our lives.

  5. Putting holes in the perps back running away can get you in deep crap in most states. A wild shot going down the road into your neighbors house hitting someone can get you in even deeper trouble. You own every single shot you fire, make them count for good.

  6. MY guess is she won’t face charges because it would be difficult to find a jury that is going to put a 70 year old black lady in jail for shooting a black thug but if it was a white 35 year old man he would have BLM camping on his door steps and the media screaming RRRRAAAAACCCISm until his was thrown in jail for life.


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