Dinesh D’Souza Dismantles Democrats For Double Standard On Campaign Finance Violations – IOTW Report

Dinesh D’Souza Dismantles Democrats For Double Standard On Campaign Finance Violations

Daily Caller: Conservative author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza called out Rosie O’Donnell for alleged campaign finance violations on “Fox & Friends” Monday and said it would be hypocritical if she wasn’t held accountable.

D’Souza was convicted of violating campaign finance law in 2014 and was sentenced to serve eight months in “community confinement.” He said he became a political target of the Obama administration after the release of his film “2016: Obama’s America.”

“It seems clear from what we know that Rosie broke the law and she broke the law five times,” D’Souza said. “So it’s in a sense an egregious violation. Now, what makes it particularly sneaky on her part is that she used four different names and five different addresses. So it seems clear that she knew what she was doing and she was trying to cover her tracks.” watch

17 Comments on Dinesh D’Souza Dismantles Democrats For Double Standard On Campaign Finance Violations

  1. The Goddamned establishment Republicans are already working in the shadows to protect her, she is a fellow progressive. Of course the Democrats are all in for anything that damages our republic and do so openly, that is all out in the open. The establishment Republicans will run their pieholes, but behind the scenes they will be conspiring with the Democrat Party to protect a fellow Utopian statist.

  2. “Community confinement” is a joke. The only way upping the crime will cease is by upping the punishment, even more. Rosie needs to do time. Real time. In real prison. That’ll teach… oh. wait. never mind.

  3. Hillary laundered $84 MILLION through her campaign to others, obviously the FBI found no intent to break the law.
    If Hillary isn’t in trouble, Rosie isn’t.

    The two tiered justice system is working as it was intended.

  4. AND, she will be excoriated, not because she over-paid to campaigns, but because she has been perceived to be a Trump supporter in the past few weeks on her show.

  5. @The Rat Fink May 7, 2018 at 7:07 pm

    > Hey, sometimes it’s tough to keep crazy-fat straight!

    Annnnnd, we’re back to “Which came first? The feminists or the lesbians?”.
    You people are deplorable!

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