Don Lemon’s big plans for CNN – IOTW Report

Don Lemon’s big plans for CNN

Patriot Retort: Drunk Lemon explains CNN’s 2020 plan: Lose even more audience .

Breitbart reported yesterday that in an interview with Variety, CNN personality Don Drunk Lemon gave a peek into the floundering news network’s plans for the 2020 election season.

“There will be no rallies that run in real time,” Lemon told Variety. “There will not be so much space for candidates to let them ramble on.”

Yes, if anybody would know about rambling on, it’s Drunk Lemon.

“The American people will demand that.”


Drunk Lemon knows what the American people will be demanding in 2020?

Did it come to him in a vodka-soaked dream?   more here

11 Comments on Don Lemon’s big plans for CNN

  1. CNN strategy for 2020…
    They will be offering an autographed color picture of Stormy Daniels to viewers over 21,
    After proof of your viewership, you are able to select the Stormy movie of your choice,
    This will save a lot of money, because they can buy in bulk for a huge discount!

  2. “There will be no rallies that run in real time,”

    What does that even mean? Trump in slo-mo?


  3. Hey Don, how’s this for real time…

    “New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, who is working with Mueller on Paul Manafort’s case has been accused of physical abuse by four women.”

  4. Hate to be a bearer of bad news there Don, but it looks like you and Jim are going to have to share a room at the next “Rocking” New Year’s eve party. You know, cost cutting due to declining viewership.


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