EPA Will End Obama’s New Coal Plant Ban – IOTW Report

EPA Will End Obama’s New Coal Plant Ban

DC: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) plans on repealing an Obama-era requirement effectively mandating all new coal-fired power plants be outfitted with unproven emissions technology, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned.

EPA will modify the New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) for power plants as part of its effort to repeal the Clean Power Plan (CPP) — the centerpiece of the Obama administration’s climate agenda. EPA will drop the de facto requirement that new coal plants install carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology Obama administration critics said would make it nearly impossible to build new coal plants.

“It’s fantastic that the Trump EPA is repealing the Obama EPA’s ban on new coal-fired power plants,” Junkscience.com publisher Steve Milloy told TheDCNF.

9 Comments on EPA Will End Obama’s New Coal Plant Ban

  1. 0bama was/is such a twinky dink dip shit ingrate charlatan.
    He and Michelle won every Black persons reparations for doing absolutely nothing of value for the nation. Too damn funny.

  2. Hopefully MDU will start working on Big Stone II again. Project was killed within a couple weeks of OZero coming into office.
    They had been permitting and working on that project for over 10 years.

    My advice to anybody retrofitting or building a new house. Don’t even consider all electric. Electricity has nowhere to go but up, natural gas has nowhere to go but down.

  3. I cannot understand why President Trump doesn’t simply issue an EO that repeals EVERY grotesquerie perpetrated by the Usurper and Fraud known as Obola.

    And shut down the EPA – there is NO Constitutional rationale, requirement, or necessity for that abomination (among others).

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. The natural gas genie is already out of the bottle. As I understand it, a number of coal plants aready paid to convert to natural gas for numerous reasons and will not switch back.

    It’s cheaper. They can turn it on and off to meet demand vs a coal plant that has to run constantly and adjust the btu of coal type burned to manage. Even with a more favrable attitude in Washington, that would not change environmental remediation studies and lawsuits if you try to put new ones in liberal states that would benefit.

    Plus, only Powder River Basin and Central Appalachian coal have seen any commodity price increase since 2016.

    Companies like Contura Energy divested their Wyoming interests last year and WY is responsible for 40% of the country’s coal production.

    There is still value there but, presumably, demand would be lower if those power plant offtakers made the switch.


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