Virginia: Fewer than half of Richmond’s top City Hall administrators live in Richmond – IOTW Report

Virginia: Fewer than half of Richmond’s top City Hall administrators live in Richmond

Richmond Times-Dispatch: Fewer than half of the top City Hall administrators who are required by policy to reside in city limits currently have a city address.

Korita Jones, the city’s Director of Human Resources, shared the new figure with a council panel Monday, casting the city’s existing residency requirement as ineffective. The requirement applies to 180 high-ranking administrators and managers and has stood for a number of years, but can be circumvented with a waiver granted on a case-by-case basis.

Jones said the figures did not necessarily indicate how many employees had received a waiver from their respective department heads, maintaining that her office did not track that figure.

Against this backdrop, a split Richmond City Council panel on Monday recommended abolishing the residency requirement for most employees currently affected by it.

Andreas Addison, one of three members who proposed the change, argued that the requirement was antiquated, tracing to a time when the city was bleeding residents to the surrounding counties. Getting rid of the requirement would help attract younger candidates for open posts and make the city more competitive to candidates looking for jobs in the region, he said.  read more

h/t PHenry.

5 Comments on Virginia: Fewer than half of Richmond’s top City Hall administrators live in Richmond

  1. No, the reason one is required to live in the city you are passing ordinances for is that old saying ( What is good for the goose is good for the gander). Don’t pass laws for someone else to obey.

  2. A Memo should be circulated:
    All employees are required to live in city. If you are not living in the city please consider this a termination notice. Please begin the checking out procedure tomorrow morning. Good Luck!


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