South Wales Police Defend Facial Recognition System with 92% False Positives – IOTW Report

South Wales Police Defend Facial Recognition System with 92% False Positives

Breitbart Tech: South Wales Police in the United Kingdom have defended their eight-percent accurate facial recognition system, declaring, “no facial recognition system is 100% accurate.”

According to Ars Technica, a “public records request shows that of the 2,470 alerts from the facial recognition system, 2,297 were false positives. In other words, nine out of 10 times, the system erroneously flagged someone as being suspicious or worthy of arrest.” more here

8 Comments on South Wales Police Defend Facial Recognition System with 92% False Positives

  1. Now we know where the tabloids are getting there stories about Batboy and Elvis sighting from.

    Somehow the magic is gone. It might be due to the fact that a LEO agency is using software that is 92% wrong!


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