Bradley Manning’s Platform Will One Day Be The Democratic Mainstream – IOTW Report

Bradley Manning’s Platform Will One Day Be The Democratic Mainstream

DC: Famed leaker Chelsea Manning is running for the U.S. Senate in Maryland, and the transgender activist has quite the platform for a Democratic primary.

Manning’s top three issues, according to a recent Associated Press profile: eliminate Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), abolish national borders and close down all prisons.

All of these ideas would have earned the mockery of Democrats just a few years ago, but now at least one of Manning’s issues has mainstream acceptance among liberals: getting rid of ICE.  read more

18 Comments on Bradley Manning’s Platform Will One Day Be The Democratic Mainstream

  1. Famed leaker Bradley “Chelsea” Manning now has to sit down to leak.

    A few lib/prog acquaintances wonder why this creature still gets deMSM coverage, not to mention the rest of the country saying “Eww” at each “news” story. WTF?

    NOKO releases hostages.
    MSNBC withheld the news for nearly 5 minutes after it was released by POTUS.
    MSNBC was too busy plotting stormy weather for America

    Hope you all arr here at 2AM.

  3. “Leaker?”
    Funny word for Traitor, isn’t it?

    As I wrote some months ago, my dick “leaks” when I sneeze – what Manning did is Treason – there’s a HUGE difference.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Bradley Manning would not have been allowed in the U.S. Army under any rational enlistment policy. Chelsea Manning would not have been recognized as a real person in the Federal penal system under any rational incarceration system. And, Manning would have been denounced by a rational Democrat Party as a traitor and a mentally unstable man in need of confinement in a lunatic asylum. The whole thing is irrational. That’s what makes it such a good fit for the Irrational Party formerly known as the Democrat Party.

  5. The bad news for Dems is the elections they do win, they still win pretending they are conservatives. Outside of liberal bastions this lunacy isn’t welcome by the majority. Case in point, Conor Lamb in PA won because he was a good looking alpha male that had a lot of conservative values – talked about protecting the 2nd amendment etc. Had they run a Manning candidate that seat would be filled today by the Republican.

  6. I feel sorry for the poor bastard.
    When all the self delusion falls away and he is abandoned by the left like Cindy Sheehan, he will probably take his own life.
    This is exactly why people with sexual dysphoria should not be allowed in the Military. When your core identity is compromised by delusion, you cannot accomplish mission directives, and place everybody around you in danger.
    Especially when over 40% commit suicide.

  7. @ Tim 9:04AM
    “As I wrote some months ago, my dick “leaks” when I sneeze – what Manning did is Treason – there’s a HUGE difference.”

    Are you bragging about the size of your dick? LOL

  8. Tim: John F. Kennedy and his brand of moderate Democrats would never belong to a party that advocated homosexual marriage and gender reassignment surgery paid for by the military as a medical obligation. The Irrational Party is heading for the reckoning that history reserves for those with a death wish. Bernie Sanders and President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton are just two of the pallbearers responsible for the demise of this once great American political party. The rest of them are planning on defeating President Trump with their grand coalition of everybody except white voters.

  9. Bradley will lose the nomination because not even mainstream Dems are that stupid. Having said that, he/she/it needs to be convinced to run as a independent candidate. Bradley would split off enough of the extreme left Democrats in a general to give the GOP Candidate(s) a real chance of unseating a Democrat. In addition Bradley in the race will keep reminding the populace of what the Democrat party really stands for. Hell, siphon some money away from GOP PAC’s to donate to Bradley.


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