Martina Markota Is Hauling Leftwing Strippers to Court for Harassment – IOTW Report

Martina Markota Is Hauling Leftwing Strippers to Court for Harassment

Dangerous: Former burlesque performer and conservative commentator Martina Markota filed harassment charges against former co-workers in New York over the weekend.

Markota was ousted from the performance arts scene in 2016 when spiteful, often less attractive, and shockingly elderly dancers refused to work with the outspoken Trump supporter.

“I am currently pursuing criminal charges against a performer who has tried to solicit my information to antifa and other left-wing media groups to defame me and put me and my family’s life in danger. They refuse to leave me alone, every step of the way. These people are relentless and angry. I left their scene, I left NYC, I moved on to another career and they still follow my every step and try to sabotage my life. At this point I think they want me dead,” Markota told DANGEROUS.  

5 Comments on Martina Markota Is Hauling Leftwing Strippers to Court for Harassment

  1. I wonder what would happen to Juliet Jeske and others of her ideological ilk if they were rumored to be govt confidential informants helping Trump’s new-Nazis compile lists of subversives for interrogation and internment?

    *cough* Of course, that would be wrong. *cough*

  2. She is quite stunning…. Ifin she requires some protection, she is welcome here…….
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell


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