Dianne Feinstein was working Gina Haspel’s nerves during the confirmation hearing – IOTW Report

Dianne Feinstein was working Gina Haspel’s nerves during the confirmation hearing

Senator Feinstein is usually on the mentally slow side when it comes to facts and Gina Haspel had to keep correcting her.


11 Comments on Dianne Feinstein was working Gina Haspel’s nerves during the confirmation hearing

  1. Surely DiFi is aware Gina knows of her & hubby’s dirty laundry. In case she’s forgotten, Brennan can remind her.

    They were laser focused on the erased “torture tapes” of terrorists. Funny, not one asked about the surveillance tapes that exist of themselves.

  2. If truth and justice ever make a comeback in this country, it will be the greatest comeback since Lazarus. DC is the greatest cesspool of all time. The dishonesty, double standards, and hypocrisy really gets under my skin. Not to mention the arrogance that prevails at the highest levels of criminal activity that passes for government.

  3. I liked this comment on that site: “Waterboard ’em all and let Gina Haspel sort ’em out!”

    I would like to add to that – including all libtard and rino senators, mueller and everyone associated with his team, and all the traitor FBI agents who colluded to destroy an elected President with fake information, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton, the obamas – heck, let’s throw in most of the msm too. I’m picturing a Roman Colosseum type event where they bring them out in chains one by one to the middle of the arena, so we can sit in the stands and cheer them on.

  4. There should be no limit to torture to those that want to kill us.

    Stick a .45 down their throats till they talk, and if they don’t, it’s: “Here’s your 72 virgins and sheep as well…enjoy”…..BLAM!

    Liberals are just so damned stupid. There was a protester in the conference room that had to be escorted out. We are in a war for survival and they are stuck back in the 1960’s era. Absolute retards.


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