Do Democrats have a death wish for Obamacare? – IOTW Report

Do Democrats have a death wish for Obamacare?

American Thinker: Republican senator Lamar Alexander of Tennessee has thrown in the towel on the quixotic idea of reforming Obamacare together with the Democrats.

According to Alexander, whose statement was quoted in the Washington Times and in Axios (emphasis added):

“Given Democrats’ attitude, I know of nothing that Republicans and Democrats can agree on to stabilize the individual health market,” he wrote in a letter obtained by The Washington Times.  “The last seven months show that Democrats are not willing to even make modest temporary changes with which they agree.  So now efforts to help Americans paying skyrocketing premiums will turn to the Trump administration and the states.  And our committee’s efforts will turn to other pressing health care issues,” such as the opioid epidemic.

Hear that?  Alexander can’t make even tiny changes that Democrats agree on to make Obamacare just a little less horrible for consumers.  One of the sticking points, according to the news, is that Democrats are hell-bent on insisting on federal funds for abortion in any deal they make.  Free abortion with the cash going to Planned Parenthood is that important to Democrats – they will hold the rest of Obamacare and its battered consumers hostage to it.  Any wonder why people are just opting to go uninsured?  This article claims that the people dropping out, but they are only the working poor who qualify for subsidies – and it’s a claim that is total baloney.  The working poor are being struck hardest by Obamacare fines, as this study shows.  Of course they are dropping out. more here

14 Comments on Do Democrats have a death wish for Obamacare?

  1. How can you reform anything with people that think the government should do everything. Frankly the Republicans have no business reforming the industry either. Repeal the damn bill like you promised and did symbolically 50 times when Obama was POTUS and let the free market come up with the solutions. You know the people that actually provide and understand the industry along with innovation, not a bunch of blow hards that at most may have been physicians and at worst lifetime government employees that have never earned a dollar that didn’t come from taxpayers.

  2. Add a provision whereby we are allowed to kill–not babies in the womb, but –all registered Democrats. I’d be willing for tax-dollars to go for that. Unless maybe I’m being too harsh.

  3. The Democrats are playing the Republicans. Democrats don’t want Obamacare any more than the Republicans do, but they do want national single payer. So they are willing to keep the same crappy Obamacare which penalizes the poor people the Democrats claim to want to help (remember that when Obamacare was passed, Democrats claimed that legislative adjustments to the plan would be needed) until people agitate for a single payer system.

    Obamacare is unsustainable, so the only two realistic choices are single payer health insurance or a free market based system. Of course Democrats are not inclined to grant any freedom to citizens, so they will willingly scrap Obamacare only for single payer. Given the failure of Obamacare, and given the failures of other national health monstrosities in other countries, the Democrats are counting on their constituents to be too stupid and greedy to agree to a market based health care system which, if implemented properly, would result in lower costs and higher quality care.

  4. Something that everyone gets, but not everyone benefits by, or pays for, is doomed from the start, regardless of politics or constitutionality. The only cure is a free market and the repeal of that ridiculous “treat regardless of ability to pay” mandate that has unhindered illegal immigration and destroyed OUR health care system.
    Just another globalist scheme to make US more like Britain and Canada – socialist.

  5. ObolaCare’s a scam.

    Way too much money to be stolen to let it simply die.

    Socialized medicine has never worked – ANY-FUCKIN-WHERE at ANY-FUCKIN-TIME – and EVERY-FUCKIN-BODY knows it. So, ObolaCare can’t be chalked up to compassion for the “po’folks,” or universal “health-care,” or any of the other lies invoked in its imposition and defense. It was passed by a nihilistically cynical Legislature and we have remained saddled with it because of opportunism on the part of grifters, liars, cowards, and corrupt-o-crats in subsequent Legislatures.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Dan,

    It is their cash cow. I suspect that most individual abortionists at PP donate to the demonrats. You will never know that figure, but I suspect ithe amount dwarfs the parent PP campaign contributions. It is money laundering and the killing of unborn babies is just collateral damage to these evil people.

  7. @Wyatt, Insensitive Progressive Jerk May 10, 2018 at 12:36 pm

    > which, if implemented properly, would result in lower costs and higher quality care

    “Capitalism is a wonderful system. It only fails because the right people haven’t been allowed to run it, yet.”

  8. The primary idea of capitalism is that you don’t have “the right people” running it. The system is market based, which means a whole lot of people are involved in it.


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