Laura Ingraham Takes George Will To Task After ‘Conspiracy Theory’ Column On Pence – IOTW Report

Laura Ingraham Takes George Will To Task After ‘Conspiracy Theory’ Column On Pence

Daily Caller: Fox News host Laura Ingraham on Friday hammered anti-Trump conservative columnist George Will for a column he wrote calling Vice President Pence “the worst person in government.”

In the Washington Post column, Will wrote that Pence has become “America’s most repulsive public figure” and “the worst person in government” for his support of President Trump.

“Pence, who has reached this pinnacle by dethroning his benefactor, is augmenting the public stock of useful knowledge,” wrote Will. “Because his is the authentic voice of today’s lickspittle Republican Party, he clarifies this year’s elections: Vote Republican to ratify groveling as governing.”

“The oleaginous Mike Pence, with his talent for toadyism and appetite for obsequiousness, could, Trump knew, become America’s most repulsive public figure,” continued Will.

Calling Will’s column a “whopper” of a “conspiracy theory,” Ingraham balked at the idea that the “low key, self-effacing and loyal Mike Pence” could fit Will’s characterization.


“I found that from George Will really sad,” Ingraham said to her panel later in the show. “He’s had an unbelievable career as one of the premier columnists, writers in the United States. He obviously doesn’t like Donald Trump, that’s fine. But I thought it was filled with such low blows. And I wasn’t even angry about it. I was actually sad about it.”  WATCH

18 Comments on Laura Ingraham Takes George Will To Task After ‘Conspiracy Theory’ Column On Pence

  1. Will is another worthless so-called “conservative” like Eric Erickson, Ann Coulter and a bunch of others. I stopped reading his crap years ago. He another one that can get put out to pasture permanently.

  2. Will never was and IS NOT A CONSERVATIVE. Barry coined a term in ’64 that describes: Will, Rove, all Bush clan, Marco…
    “New York value Republican” Barry was referring to the GOP President who tried to destroy the party; Roosevelt.
    If Barry + Ronnie were conservative; then this hating them, and trying to destroy what they did are not conservative – naming names: Bush Clan, Rove G. Will. Need more , ask; I got a long list of progressive Republicans

  3. George Will is the worst person in media. Not a week goes by when he is not feeding the progressive media dog poop and they lap it up like it’s filet mignon. George Will denied a Trump presidency and in his own sick little world, he’s still fighting dragons. Oh, how the mighty have fallen into insanity!
    You were once a player, George, yea a player! But your ego got in the way little man. Now you are nothin’.

  4. Has George Will EVER been interesting?
    Not to me.
    He’s always been able to fill screen time so he’s been on TV a lot over the years, but I find it hard to believe he’s ever had a following.

  5. @ Anon – that was freakin’ hilarious! Yet…very very…whatever.

    @ Machloja – with or without the Bowtie AND the attitude?

    He and BURNS should…get together.


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