Suicide by Avenatti – IOTW Report

Suicide by Avenatti

Patriot Retort: Good morning all. And a happy Mother’s Day to you Moms out there!

You know, the other day, I suggested that perhaps the guy paying Michael Avenatti was Donald Trump himself.

Sure, I was being a bit tongue-in-cheek.

But given how effective Avenatti has been in making the news media kill off what’s left of their credibility, you have to wonder if I might be onto something.

And this morning I happened across an article at the Daily Caller asking why Trump hasn’t gone after beady-eyes Avenatti.

And this section stood out:

While Trump himself may be silent on Avenatti for that reason, it’s unclear why more GOP groups aren’t picking up the slack when it comes to the Stormy Daniels lawyer.

“No one seems to understand why the RNC, America Rising and other GOP groups aren’t doing even basic political blocking and tackling with Avenatti,” said a GOP operative to The Daily Beast. “He’s essentially gotten a free pass from them.”


No one understands why?

Then permit me to explain it.

7 Comments on Suicide by Avenatti

  1. The long legal quest to allow Stormy Daniels to regain her good reputation should not be maligned or delayed as long as this pimp insists on entertaining the serious news whores on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, and ABC. This woman needs her day in a courtroom, and the MSDM need to prove they are without any credibility. It’s working.

  2. Trump: “Bob Mueller raided Michael Cohen’s office to steal the pics I was doing Whoremee Daniels anally …. it’s true …. put up or shut up Bob!”

    the resultant exploding heads fallout will give us gorgeous sunsets for years to come

  3. I have a neighbor who happens to be one of the “boat people” from Vietnam. He is too young to have been a combatant and survived coming to the U.S.A.. He is very conservative and loves this country in a way that most homey’s wouldn’t understand……. At any rate, about a month ago we were in my garage having a few beers and discussing politics. He asks me “What do you think is really going on with this Stormy Daniels thing?” and I proffered that I believe Trump is at least encouraging it (if she and Avenatti are not on the payroll) in order to keep the LSM running in circles…..

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  4. President Trump did exactly the same thing with M&M.
    Left Lily White Rapper screaming in a Chicago underground garage like he was demented.
    When the President avoided the bait, like a smart honey badger, M&M showed he didn’t really have a hard shell.


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