Entire Family Of ISIS-Linked Suicide Bombers Blows Up 3 Churches In Indonesia – IOTW Report

Entire Family Of ISIS-Linked Suicide Bombers Blows Up 3 Churches In Indonesia

Daily Caller: An entire family of suicide bombers, including pre-teen girls, attacked three churches in Indonesia on Sunday, killing at least 10 people and wounding dozens more, national police said.

The clan of terrorists is believed to have ties to Jamaah Anshar Daulah (JAD), an extremist group that is affiliated with the Islamic State network in Indonesia. The attackers came from a single family whose head was the leader of a terrorist cell in Surabaya, the port city where the bombings occurred, according to National Police chief Gen. Tito Karnavian.

“We have identified the bombers,” he said Sunday at a press conference, according to the Jakarta Post. “It is highly likely that they shared a familial background.”

The attack struck three separate churches in Surabaya, the capital of Indonesia’s East Java province and the island nation’s second largest city. ISIS claimed responsibility for the bombings through its propaganda agency, Amaq, describing them as a “martydom” operation against Christian “crusaders” and security personnel. read more

4 Comments on Entire Family Of ISIS-Linked Suicide Bombers Blows Up 3 Churches In Indonesia

  1. … the family that slays together stays together

    that’ll teach ’em to ask mommy what she wants for Mother’s Day
    … seriously though, this is some sick, sick people w/ some sick, sick beliefs

  2. There must be a mistake here. Less than 2 months after the Muslim attack 911 my President said “Islam is the ROP”!

    I think these people were really Baptists! No Bush ever lied!


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