Senate Committee Just Released A Trove Of Trump Tower Interview Documents – IOTW Report

Senate Committee Just Released A Trove Of Trump Tower Interview Documents

Daily Caller: The Senate Judiciary Committee has released 2,500 pages of interview transcripts and other documents pertaining to a June 9, 2016 meeting at Trump Tower between members of the Trump campaign and several Russians.

The document dump consists mostly of interview transcripts with six meeting attendees as well as exhibits and supplements to the witness interviews.

The interviews were conducted in 2017 as part of the Judiciary panel’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 campaign. Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley, the Republican chairman of the committee, has pushed for the release of the records since January.

Donald Trump Jr.’s transcript is included in the release. The real estate executive accepted the meeting after being approached through email by Rob Goldstone, a music publicist who worked for Emin Agalarov, an Azeri-Russian singer whose billionaire father has done business with President Donald Trump.

Goldstone, whose transcript is also included, told Trump Jr. that a Russian government attorney wanted to meet with the campaign in order to offer dirt on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

“If it is what you say I love it,” Trump Jr. responded.

Committee Republicans released a summary of key takeaways from the interviews. They said that the witnesses all consistently testified that the main focus of the meeting was Bill Browder, a businessman who is behind the Magnitsky Act, a U.S. law that punishes Russian human rights abusers.

Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Russian lawyer, has been an outspoken critic of Browder’s.

Meeting attendees who have commented publicly on the session have all denied that information about Clinton changed hands. They have also denied that any follow-up meetings occurred.

Democrats have argued the meeting could constitute collusion between the Russian government and Trump campaign. All of the participants who were interviewed denied that Russian efforts to interfere in the election were not discussed.  MORE

4 Comments on Senate Committee Just Released A Trove Of Trump Tower Interview Documents

  1. The Trump team was promised information that would have been useful in discrediting President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton. They didn’t create a phony Russian Dossier full of salacious tales of Russian prostitutes micturating on a mattress in a hotel room in Moscow, while Donald J. Trump supposedly watched and obtained some kind of satisfaction. That was the Clinton Campaign. The Trump team didn’t spread the contents of a phony salacious dossier around every news outlet possible in order to defame Donald Trump. That was the Clinton campaign’s team of losers who couldn’t keep her on her feet. The Trump team didn’t turn the FBI and the CIA into political operatives in order to elect Clinton president. That was the Osmidigen Administration. The Trump team didn’t violate the law and the trust of the American people during the election, that was the FBI and the DOJ. When will Robespierre Mueller and his Committee of Public Safety investigate these outrages? Yeah. Never.

  2. “All of the participants who were interviewed denied that Russian efforts to interfere in the election were not discussed.”

    I think you’ve got an extra “not” in there, Chuck Ross.


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