Here’s How Renewable Energy Actually Hurts The Environment – IOTW Report

Here’s How Renewable Energy Actually Hurts The Environment

Breitbart: A report on the number of animals killed and species at risk of extinction lays bare the ecological impact of renewable energy technology.

Michael Shellenberger, the founder and president of Environmental Progress, presented an argument that would appear nearly blasphemous for anyone fighting on the front lines of the green energy movement. Shellenberger made the case that renewable energy is not beneficial, but actually damaging, to the environment in a Thursday Forbes article. He added that if renewables take up a larger share of electricity generation — something environmentalists have ardently campaigned for — the ecological impact would be even more devastating.

Shellenberger cited a number of studies that detail the real-life impact of wind and solar facilities.

Clean Energy Wire reported that offshore wind turbines in Germany could “lead to the extinction of individual species,” including the rare and intelligent harbor porpoise. Scientists warn the expansion of wind energy in North America could lead to the extinction of migratory bat populations. A solar farm in California killed hundreds of desert tortoises, a threatened reptile in the state, and kills about 6,000 birds a year by lighting them on fire. Also in California, wind turbines in the Altamont Pass kill an estimated 4,700 birds a year, including Golden Eagles.  more

11 Comments on Here’s How Renewable Energy Actually Hurts The Environment

  1. Not only that but these wind farms are a blight on the landscape. I can’t remember where we were last year — somewhere on the Washington coast — and after looking out at the oceanscape I turned around and there, on the bluffs and hills overlooking the beach, was this incredibly ugly forest of wind turbines. I guess it just goes to show the Left’s NIMBY attitudes once again. It’s not just ugly, it’s eerie, too. You’ve got these beautiful areas of land completely marred by these very ugly things — any reveries about the untouched-by-man landscape is gone.

  2. Kill all the gubment subsidies and let it pay for itself.

    I would buy individual D/C powered appliances if they were anything reasonable with two panels and batteries. A backup 7 cu ft chest freezer would be perfect.

    We already have an Lpg burning genny for bad storms.

    When they gonna burn Tesla?

  3. Isn’t it strange that with perpetual motion machines, and devices that use basically MAGNETS can spin continuously to create energy, but yet the Dept. of Energy doesn’t spend 1 penny developing them?

    Yep. The whole thing is a giant scam. They are ALL addicted to delicious tax revenue, and perpetually spinning magnets don’t create money for them.

  4. I don’t givva’ shit. Build out your wind and solar. Ramp that shit up. Then build the natural gas fired turbine power plants you HAVE to have when it gets dark or the wind stills and you don’t want the lights to go out. Something that can come online in 20 minutes.

    Or bite the bullet.

    Commit to making fusion power a reality. Because those third world shit holes know what air conditioning is now. They would like to fuck and make babies at third world poverty rates with out breaking a sweat.

    Why in the hell NOBODY will look fifty years down the road and see that we HAVE to have this technology, I cannot understand.

    It has been “30 years out” since 1974. I suppose we’ll have to have our lapels wrenched up with an existential threat to actually get off the shitter about this.

    Which don’t make me happy with the demonstrated intelligence of the race of man.

    Maybe better if we suffocate the entire race in waste heat and cure the stupid.

  5. All this controversy for nothing, since our Government perfected Zero Point Energy in 1954.Maybe before I die I will get to experience a ride in a vehicle that can tap the Zero point Energy !
    (I know wishful thinking)

  6. Here is something to chew on… we will be shutting quite a few nuclear plants in the next 5 years. It takes roughly 7 years to build one (unless it’s a Westinghouse AP1000, then it’ll never get finished) and right now the only ones under construction are Vogtle 3 & 4. 2 cannot replace 10.
    Now, flip side, the SMR’s could be viable but no one wants to be the first and they still need to be tested.
    Long and short, 2023 is going to suck big time, provided we can limp along and get there.

  7. Clean Energy Wire reported that offshore wind turbines in Germany could “lead to the extinction of individual species,”

    Wrong. It’s the million+ muzzies they let into their country that’s threatening extinction of Germans.


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