Houston, TX Police Chief Says God ‘Hasn’t Instructed Me to Believe that Gun Rights are Bestowed by Him’ – IOTW Report

Houston, TX Police Chief Says God ‘Hasn’t Instructed Me to Believe that Gun Rights are Bestowed by Him’


Declaration of Independence Not Your Personal Prop, Chief Acevedo.

It takes unmitigated gall of the most classic kind to toss God Almighty into the Gun Rights mix, and that’s what Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo had when he appointed himself ‘Supreme God Squad One’ within hours of the Santa Fe High School massacre, which claimed 10 student lives and injuring 10 more, including John Barnes, a retired Houston police officer who was working as a high school resource officer at Santa Fe High.

“God hasn’t instructed me to believe that Gun Rights are bestowed by him” is Chief Acevedo’s take on the latest shooting, somewhat akin to someone bringing a fully-rigged fire truck to an annual water fight staged by little gaffers squirting off water pistols.

Down through the ages people (some of them pastors) have taken the words of the Almighty out of context.  Now it’s a police chief.

Acevedo wrote:

“To all my Facebook friends. Today I spent the day dealing with another mass shooting of children and a responding police officer who is clinging to life. I’m not ashamed to admit I’ve shed tears of sadness, pain and anger. (Breitbart, May 19, 2018)

“I know some have strong feelings about gun rights but I want you to know I’ve hit rock bottom and I am not interested in your views as it pertains to this issue. Please do not post anything about guns aren’t the problem and there’s little we can do. My feelings won’t be hurt if you de-friend me and I hope yours won’t be if you decide to post about your views and I de-friend you.”

Perhaps the police chief doesn’t know that posting anything about guns on Facebook is akin to shooting blanks at targets.

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34 Comments on Houston, TX Police Chief Says God ‘Hasn’t Instructed Me to Believe that Gun Rights are Bestowed by Him’

  1. God expects you to defend the life He gave you. You don’t do that with harsh language. I very much doubt this guy’s real involvement with Christianity.

  2. ” His job is to enforce the laws on the books and I really don’t care about his views”

    Someone needs to point out to him he took an oath to defend the Constitution when sworn in. Right? WTF? Nothing worse than Libtard LEO. They’ll get you killed. Not joking.

  3. This is all Hurricane Katrina fallout. All the asshole democrat base hightailed it out of NoLa for Houston; now, the usual pack of lawless democrat assholes run the town from a dyke mayor too a shitbag police chief who thinks he’s above the Constitution.

  4. Our Great Maker gave us free will to live as we needed to survive freely and thrive, eat and defend ourselves, our families.

    Whether with a rock, a knife, a catapult or a LR-.22…or baseball bat.


    The Founding Fathers? They called it Liberty and codified it.

    And for having had both…the GM and the FF’s… dam we are all lucky…


  5. “Gun control” was started by dems to keep newly freed slaves from acquiring weapons to defend themselves. This same democratic party is trying to disarm blacks, but use school shootings as a way to hide their true intentions. It’s time to use the leftist’s playbook against them, and call anyone who mentions gun control a racist.

  6. As it turned out, many have shed their blood to free themselves of tyrants like him, and he can’t seem to hear the voice of God either.
    Chief, you may start by disarming your department now and see how that works out for you.

  7. Bill,
    I gotta a pretty boy LEO reprimanded locally 4 weeks ago. He didn’t understand I didn’t needed to declare I was carrying just because I was standing next to him. He didn’t spot the gun, he spotted the two spare mags (printing). Unfortunately for him the local sheriff and I are on speed dial. I don’t need to declare shit unless I’m pulled over for a traffic violation or confronted with a warrant. Like I say, Libtard LEO will get you killed.

  8. “God hasn’t instructed me to believe that Gun Rights are bestowed by him”

    it really doesn’t matter what God ‘instructed’ you to do … you’re there to uphold the law … that’s all. no one cares about your conversations w/ God.
    do your job … or go home!

  9. Cops have wet dreams where no one is allowed to have firearms but them. Then their jobs would be SO much easier, don’cha see? With a few exceptions, if they could make it so tomorrow, they would.

  10. Vietvet
    No. That’s the minority. But it’s a real pain in the ass minority. The FBI just released a report stating the value of armed citizens. I know, it’s like someone in the FBI was actually doing their job. PS, they suck at handling guns too.

  11. @Bad_Brad: I assume you mean the FBI sucks at gun handling, rather than the armed citizens. But if so, what about all the videos and hype we see showing how the FBI peeps spend hours and hours at the gun range honing their weapons skills and marksmanship?
    Is that all propaganda?

  12. Not sure how you confused that. Here’s what going on. There’s a bunch of new Gunslingers around. That’s the new//old term. I could drill down, but bottom line, shoot the bad guy in the face in 7 tenths of a second. TRY and clear a cop weapon out of the holster that fast. Youtube Trueexodus. And the pat MacCnamarar. Ah fuck it I’ll link Pat because he’s so damn RIGHT.


  13. Vietvet
    Missed some of that comment. As you probably know i build AR platform weapons. Sold them to, and shot with, local LEO, US Marshals, and FBI. Local LEO was cool. Mainly EX Military. Everyone else was more than a joke.

  14. God instructed “thou shalt not murder”, the weapon is not relevant to that end. What makes anyone think any other laws will be obeyed after they break that one.

  15. Screw you beaner, my peeps said Molon Lave a few thousand years ago.
    And God told me personally to stock up on ammo.
    So you just shut up and watch your myopic ass.

  16. it really doesn’t matter what God ‘instructed’ you to do … you’re there to uphold the law … that’s all. no one cares about your conversations w/ God.

    If he’s hearing voices that tell him how to do things, there’s medications that will fix that.

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