CNN Falls Below Nickelodeon in Cable Ratings – IOTW Report

CNN Falls Below Nickelodeon in Cable Ratings

PoliticsNote:CNN came in behind Nickelodeon and Home and Garden Television and just a few slots above the History Channel in the latest cable network ratings.

Meanwhile, Fox News Channel topped the list as the most watched network on cable television for the 18th straight week in a row, AdWeek reported, based on Nielsen Media Research ratings for the week of May 14 to May 20.

Coming in behind Fox were Turner Network Television, MSNBC, Nickelodeon, and Home and Garden Television.

CNN ranked No. 7 followed closely by USA Network, the History Channel and Food Network. more

19 Comments on CNN Falls Below Nickelodeon in Cable Ratings

  1. I remember trying to figure out the number of viewers once, and I found that the number of people watching CNN each night corresponded to everyone in Bakersfield, California. And no one else. In America. Each night. One small city. And no. one. else.


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