Shaun King Claims He’s The Real Victim Of His Own False Reporting – IOTW Report

Shaun King Claims He’s The Real Victim Of His Own False Reporting

Daily Caller: Activist Shaun King admitted to pushing a false rape claim on Wednesday, after body-cam footage proved that accusations made by Sherita Dixon-Cole (and amplified by King) were false.

King, a columnist for The Intercept, responded to the news by admitting that he had shared the false story, but also suggesting that he was among the victims of her false report.

“She victimized us. She victimized the man she falsely accused and she victimized those who stood up for her  — believing that she had experienced the worst crimes.”

King wrote a full response to the situation at Medium, explaining how he was first drawn into the situation by a compelling story, delivered to him by people he trusted, that appeared to come from a trustworthy source.  more

13 Comments on Shaun King Claims He’s The Real Victim Of His Own False Reporting

  1. Shaun your White tears matter more than Black lives(or in this case, lies). Must send chills down your spine like a DNA test with both of your parents present for that Maury Povich moment. Go watch Candace Owens and grow up.

  2. not surprised…nothing is EVER their own fault…

    stupid is as stupid does, someone once said…..

    you can’t fix stupid, someone else said….

    the stupid you will have with you always….
    ….well no, that’s not actually in the Bible….
    ………….but it SHOULD have been in there……..

  3. ““She victimized us. She victimized the man she falsely accused and she victimized those who stood up for her  — believing that she had experienced the worst crimes.”

    Horseshit. He couldn’t wait to get out and blame the police officer like a good little stooge. King already had the officer 100% guilty and convicted in that little pea brain of his, just like the rest of the ilk at the usual suspect media outlets. Your no victim you scumbag.

    FU Shaun, FU.

  4. “King wrote … explaining how he was first drawn into the situation by a compelling story, delivered to him by people he trusted, that appeared to come from a trustworthy source.”

    In other words, I heard it from a friend of a friend of a friend…

  5. I’m sure he is on the civil rights bandwagon to now stop police officers from wearing body cams. It isn’t fair to expose the lying and false allegations that clearly are rampant and probably were a good tool for mitigating their behavior in the past.


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