Hawaii : Lava from Kilauea enters ocean – IOTW Report

Hawaii : Lava from Kilauea enters ocean

FOX:  [,,,] A blocked highway would cut people off from the only route to grocery stores, schools and hospitals.

The U.S. Marine Corps said Thursday that it has sent two CH-53E Super Stallion helicopters from a base near Honolulu to help if more evacuations become necessary. Each helicopter can carry 50 passengers.

The volcano has opened more than 20 vents in the ground that have released lava, sulfur dioxide and steam. The lava has been pouring down the flank of the volcano and into the ocean miles away. MORE

19 Comments on Hawaii : Lava from Kilauea enters ocean

  1. Since liberals don’t believe in God, they’ll have to blame this one on Mother Nature.

    “Mother Nature is showing how pissed off she is about man-made global warming”.

    “By pumping tons of noxious gas into the atmosphere”?

    “Well….uh….er……well….what’s the matter with you, don’t you believe in Mother Nature”?

  2. lets play “one thing you would grab from your in case of an emergency”

    – cats
    – oh, and puppy
    – oh, and maybe wife to carry all that stuff…

  3. @Kermit May 25, 2018 at 5:32 pm

    >So are either obama or Zuckerberg’s houses threatened. If their homes are in danger, at least something good would come of this.

    I don’t know where Obama’s is, but Zuckerberg’s has a walled enclave on Kauai. Big walls, that is. To keep native Hawaiians out. I expect he has armed guards there as well. It’s the millennial version of the castle for rich liberals.


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