1 Million Bikers Ride into D.C. to Pay Homage to Fallen Heroes – IOTW Report

1 Million Bikers Ride into D.C. to Pay Homage to Fallen Heroes

Breitbart: As many as one million bikers rode into the nation’s capital on Memorial Day weekend during the annual Rolling Thunder motorcycle rally to honor the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice so that Americans can enjoy the freedoms we have today.

It is the 31st year that bikers from across the country have joined the Rolling Thunder annual trek that started as a campaign to increase awareness about prisoners of war in Vietnam and has grown to a movement that is not only an iconic ritual but a force that has led to legislation to honor the U.S. military 365 days a year.

Kirt Olson rode in the crowd of bikes that traveled from the Pentagon to downtown D.C., forming a wave of bikers for as long as the eye could see. He is stationed at the U.S. Army base in Watertown, New York.

Breitbart News asked Olson why he decided to take part in Rolling Thunder.

“Just the amazement of it all,” Olson told Breitbart News. “It’s just such a powerful thing and I wanted to be a part of it.”

“It means everything because it’s a remembrance of all our fallen heroes,” Olson said. “It’s remembrance of everyone we’ve lost — everyone who hasn’t come home — and to see 1.3 million people all rally together for the same thing with our world as bad as it is, sometimes it’s a powerful thing. It really is.” more here

7 Comments on 1 Million Bikers Ride into D.C. to Pay Homage to Fallen Heroes

  1. Ha Ha, Tim
    They wouldn’t dare – Leftists are all mouth and bluster unless their faces are covered. These bikers would rip the masks off then rip their faces off!

  2. Remember the last time the Bikers rode on Washington? All the web cams were altered by the Goobermint to show everyday scenes so no one could see what was going on.

  3. One of the east Coast staging areas is at my local truck stop – it was much bigger than it’s ever been – imagine a line of bikes taking up the left side of Route 81 (from the PA line) to Route 70-270 East for 30 miles at least and you’ve got our part here.

    Gas stations backed up about 1/2 to an hour in line or so.


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