President Trump Signs Right To Try Act – IOTW Report

President Trump Signs Right To Try Act

News On 6/KOTV: President Trump signs the Right to Try Act.The legislation gives terminally ill patients the right to use experimental medications that have not yet been approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

23 Comments on President Trump Signs Right To Try Act

  1. Who was the Obama caitiff who told us that we should be prepared to die after age 75? Well phuck him. I’m 76 as is my wife, and the poor girl needs a new hip. And by God she’ll get it.

  2. TOM
    I know a guy who’s 75 and he plans to be kicking ass, and maybe takin names (if there’s not a lot of ass to kick) for years hence.


    You betcha she was. F***You Johnny boy!

    She still is right BTW


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