Comey Interviewed As Prosecutors Consider Charging McCabe – IOTW Report

Comey Interviewed As Prosecutors Consider Charging McCabe

DC: Investigators have questioned former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe’s direct superior during his time at the bureau, as part of a probe into whether McCabe broke the law and misled federal agents, The Washington Post reported Thursday.

Investigators with the D.C.-U.S. Attorney’s Office spoke to former FBI director James Comey about allegations McCabe knowingly mislead federal agents, as well as Comey himself, over authorizing leaks to the media. If charged and found guilty, McCabe faces a five-year prison sentence for deceiving federal agents four times — including three times under oath.

Comey’s questioning is a reflection of the seriousness with which investigators are approaching the McCabe case, according to WaPo.  more here

18 Comments on Comey Interviewed As Prosecutors Consider Charging McCabe

  1. I suspect that pack of snakes is more concerned about how they can go about getting their colleague out from under this. They know that what he did was common practice and further digging will unearth their crimes too. The rats are trembling.

  2. Comey got a glimpse of that laser dot on his forehead too and is squirming. He’s been babbling almost nonstop about his high moral code and sterling ethics. What an asshole.

  3. Notes from the questioning on this issue can be found in the Summary Report in section 5824, page 216774, which is a compact extract and summation of the Full Omnibus Report of Investigations About That Bastard Trump, and can be found on Shelf 224, Binder 692,693, and 694. Pages 1158724 – 1159087.

    OMB has determined the Administrative Burden of actually reading the Full Omnibus Report of Investigations About That Bastard Trump will be approximately 32 Man Years. The Summary Report (of the Full Omnibus Report of Investigations About That Bastard Trump) will incur a lesser Administrative Burden of 9 Man Years.

  4. This is just the appetizer. The feast is going to be a great banquet, worthy of the wait. Before this is over, all these Swamp Rats are going to be devouring one another. It’s going to be an epic comedown for the people who tried to rig our last election. Elections really do have wonderful consequences.

  5. Comey to finger McCabe? McCabe the appetizer?,

    Wishful thinking: The establishment has plausible deniability written into each scenario. McCabe already benefited from $700,000 from McCauliff/Hillary, go-fund me page and direct payments by high level swamp beneficiaries.

    The only people who will pay the consequences of Hillary, DNC voter fraud, false dossiers, Corrupt DOJ and criminal FBI are the US Taxpayers.

    Same old deal.

  6. To put this into perspective, they put an icon of female business popularity (Martha Stewart), in jail for a far lesser crime.
    Do they still hang traitors?

  7. @Marco June 1, 2018 at 8:10 am

    > The feast is going to be a great banquet, worthy of the wait.

    It’ll be EPIC!

    They might have to spend entire MONTHS at a taxpayer golf resort. (Fewer months, of course, if they don’t kill any of the guards, while there.)

    All while their families continue cashing the checks, for being EPIC humans! (Totally unrelated to any government clearances, present or past.)


  8. Anonymous: I am as jaded as anyone waiting for these Swamp Rats to be brought to heel. I believe that the long delay has been caused by the size of the conspiracy and the number and high positions of the co-conspirators. This is the biggest assault on our Constitution and way of governance in our country’s history. The Office of the Inspector General has more than 500 lawyers and accountants investigating these acts of criminality and sedition. The appointment of U.S. Attorney John W. Huber to prosecute the miscreants uncovered by Inspector General Horowitz means that a Grand Jury in Salt Lake City, Utah is unraveling this catastrophe as we await the next OIG’s Report. Spygate and the abuse of the FISA court will not be swept away because Susan Rice wrote that wonderful memorandum about how legal this all was under Baraky Osmidgen. Don’t push yourself away from the table before the banquet gets to the main course.

  9. @ Marco

    Are you referring to U.S. Attorney John W. Huber being the new Marshall in town, who was the old marshall (US Atty.) in town? Who is the very product of a politically charged Judiciary establishment who direct hiring, firing, confirmations and appointments of judges and attorneys??

    “Considering” to charge McCabe, shows me nothing. Maybe a Reggie Hammond type would be a benefit, kick some ass and take a few names.

  10. @Marco June 1, 2018 at 12:45 pm

    You seem to be confusing an unwillingness to wait (for it…), with a disinterest in waiting for it (at all). The main course is a tofu cube. Singular. It is a course, of course. And it may, eventually, arrive. But it will never be more than it can be.

  11. @Marco June 1, 2018 at 12:45 pm

    As for “the biggest assault on our Constitution and way of governance in our country’s history” a few from Gettysburg might disagree.

  12. Cato: I am counting on U.S.Attorney Huber being an honorable man, who will be offended by what the OIG has uncovered. If heads don’t roll and rodents are not jailed, then the Swamp Rats will come back into power within a few presidential elections. Huber may just be the legal equivalent of Reggie Hammond. He’s got a reputation as a tough prosecutor.

    Anonymous 1: I am hopeful that the main course will be red meat that has been torn to shreds and tenderized by the hyenas who have been turning on their former colleagues in order to save their own hides.

    Anonymous 2: I would probably include every battle from Fort Sumter in South Carolina to Bennett Place in North Carolina in the category of armed rebellion, but this has to be the biggest Illegal hidden insurrection in our country’s history. This is far and away the biggest attempt to steal an election in our time. This isn’t a third rate burglary.


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