Unemployment Falls To 3.8 Percent – IOTW Report

Unemployment Falls To 3.8 Percent

Daily Caller: The Department of Labor reported Friday 223,000 jobs were added in the month of May, and unemployment dropped to 3.8 percent.

Jobs growth outpaced economists’ predictions, who estimated the number would fall just short of 200,000. Experts were also expecting the unemployment rate to stay steady from month to month at 3.9 percent.


10 Comments on Unemployment Falls To 3.8 Percent

  1. How can that be true? In 2016 Obama said those jobs were gone forever & they won’t be coming back. That he was telling them the truth about it & Trump was lying to them when he says he will bring the jobs back. Geez, which do you think most likely – Barry was just lying, or just to stupid to know the jobs could be brought back with competent leadership.

  2. What I’m amazed at is that the gov hasn’t resorted to the old method of unemployment.
    Under 0bama, they just didn’t count those that ran out of unemployment or stopped seeking work. The unemployment numbers dropped and everybody (MSM, Progs) was happy.
    I’m surprised that they haven’t gone back to the real method of counting the numbers and layed that on Trumps’s doorstep.


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