DOE to Fund $72 Million Bird Incinerator – IOTW Report

DOE to Fund $72 Million Bird Incinerator

Silicon Graybeard: That was a deliberately inflammatory title – and deliberately chosen pun to go with it.

The actual story is that the DOE has agreed to $72 million dollar funding of another concentrated solar power system like the famous Ivanpah facility in the California desert.  Ivanpah is famous for incinerating birds that come to feed on the insects being incinerated by the solar concentrater.

The goal of the project is to increase the temperature of the working fluid up to 700 C (1292 F).  Ivanpah and some other facilities run at temperatures from 300 to 550 C.  Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) systems are more efficient the higher the temperature difference they work with.   Increasing the temperature to 700°C promises greater efficiency.  They’re calculating they could reach 50% efficiency.      MORE


10 Comments on DOE to Fund $72 Million Bird Incinerator

  1. Don’t confuse us with the facts. Our minds are made up.

    I think they should arrange tours of the facility for the enviro watermelons, culminating at the focal point of those mirrors. It’d be the hottest ticket in town.

  2. Future generations will rebel against ‘the establishment’ and go all Neanderthal due to ‘ghastly animal cruelty’ of Big Wind and Big Solar and hold up the memory of Clean Coal as using Earth’s Natural Bounty in a ‘Kind and Responsible’ way.

  3. And we get prosecuted if we pick up one of those dead ones and stuff it.

    Hell, even having one feather from a bird-of-prey will get you in trouble.

    Something’s wrong when it’s OK the Govt wipes out protected species but no slack for us on even having a feather.

  4. I still remember Mark “The Bird” Fidrich when he pitched for the Detroit Tigers back in the mid 70’s using this as his signature song when he would pitch. This is truly annoying but funny and stupid song at the same time. What was with the early 60’s with songs like this and Louie, Louie which has got to be one of the dumbest songs ever that J Edgar Hoover thought was subversive and had the FBI investigate.


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