California bans travel to Oklahoma – IOTW Report

California bans travel to Oklahoma

CPR: Add Oklahoma to the list of states to which California is banning state-funded and state-sponsored travel.

California Attorney General Xavier Becerra announced Friday that as a result of “discriminatory legislation” that became Oklahoma law last month, the western state will prohibit travel to its midwestern counterpart.  MORE

24 Comments on California bans travel to Oklahoma

  1. Good, a few more states added to their list and the slimy hump can just stay home. Phuck that pack of assholes. I need to find out what my state can do to piss them off so I can get on the phone.

  2. Jerry Brown WAS ALWAYS a despotic tyrant running California into the ground. Fixed it. If I wasn’t so old I’d move. This is getting intolerable for anyone who believes in freedom. Becerra needs to be tarred and feathered before being hanged.

  3. Oklahoma should pass a law “California state employees – stay the fuck out of our state.” I really can’t see any upside to California officials mucking around in Oklahoma matters anyhow.

  4. Hey Jerry, it will be harder for Californians to leave if you build a wall and post armed guards at the checkpoints. It worked pretty well for the Eastern bloc countries you seem to be emulating in every other way.

  5. It’s only a ban on CA paying for travel, i.e. for school teams, state personnel, etc. But it is a good indicator of where I should consider moving.
    A friend moved from CA to near Nashville and absolutely loves it.

  6. As a resident of one of those nine states I can confidently say that we don’t want anyone or anything from California anyway. Thanks for making it official Becerra. Keep your damn fruits, vegetables and nuts in Ca. We got enough of our own.
    Congratulations Oklahoma for making the A list.

  7. GEOF

    You are totally right! For over 80 years the CHP would stop American immigrants from coming into Cal if they could not prove they had a job in hand. Okies were hardest hit. Many snuck in and went to the big oil town in the Kern Valley. In Mexifornia its called the San Juaquin . Children of these “Okies” – at least 3 – made Bakersfield the “Gran Ol Opry” of the west! Namin names” Buck, Merle, Merl.

    My Dad watched Buck and the Bucaros on Ch 11 65 years ago.

    the Supreme Court said Cal had to stop keeping welfare seekers out of the state. I did not like it but they’re right. Americans are Americans. Bush Clan is not Right!

    You now know the origin pop part of my name. BTW

  8. I was going to ask what if California wanted to extradite a criminal from Oklahoma?

    Then I realized that California would NEVER go through that much trouble to bring a criminal to justice.

    To reflect on what exJarhead mentioned, funny how Califorinia now treats illegal Mexican immigrants better than it treats citizens.

  9. An ol exJarhead, my dad’s parents were originally from Oklahoma and Texas but they moved to N. Idaho in the 20’s and 30’s. My grandfather was a hard rock miner working for Hecla mines in the Silver Valley in the Burke, Mullan, Wallace Id. area as well as a farmer which my grandmother (and 5 kids, all gone now with the deaths of my dad and his oldest brother who was 99 this year) ran while he was up in the mines. So I guess I’m part Okie as well as an Idaho native originally before we moved to Spokane. Maybe that’s why I like Buck Owens and Merle Haggard and rockabilly.


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