Trump To Host White House Ramadan Dinner – IOTW Report

Trump To Host White House Ramadan Dinner

DC: President Donald Trump will host a Ramadan dinner at The White House Wednesday to recognize the Muslim holy month, according to a Saturday report.

This will be the first time Trump will host the holiday dinner after he faced scrutiny for not hosting the traditional presidential dinner in 2017, Politico reported. The iftar dinner is a celebration for the end of Ramadan and is usually held during sunset at the end of the holy month.  more here

SNIP: Good. And he can focus on terrorism like he did in his speech at the beginning of ramadan.

33 Comments on Trump To Host White House Ramadan Dinner

  1. “Ramadan reminds us of the richness Muslims add to the religious tapestry of American life.”
    While this may be the politically correct thing to do, Muslimes and Islam add nothing to American life. They and it are parasites that, unlike successful parasites, want to kill their host.

  2. I understand the optics and the advice PDT is doubtless getting from his many Obama Embeds.

    Enough. Islam is directly opposed to every Universal Human Right that the USA stands for.
    We are in for a long struggle, after Obama and Bush, to eradicate their influence here.
    Celebrating Muslim holidays at the WH is abhorrent. And an insult to all those Americans murdered by Muslims on every continent.

  3. The media will snipe about the dishes (tacky) and the food (inauthentic), and then they will bray about some faux pas by Trump which never happened (inappropriate), followed by mockery of his ceremonial speech (insincere). We, and he, know this. Let’s just get it over with. Hopefully, Trump will be bombing some terrorists to smithereens as he raises a non-alcohol toast to his guests.

  4. Islam dosn’t celebrate Christians in any Muslim country that I know of. Why would PDT do this? I hope this doesn’t mean that Brennan and the deep state are winning. Sharia Law and gun control for all, if we arn’t careful. Ask Tommy Robinson. Politics is mostly bullisht and betrayal in this so called modern age. Peeyew.

  5. Seems unnecessary. No point in coddling muzzies- they will continue to hate America and Americans anyway.
    It will be interesting to see how the deranged leftards spin this.

  6. Perhaps the President is trying to bring peace to the world?
    I mean it. What can go wrong if they only use plastic spoons?

    Nancy, Nancy please relax, he’s trying. Don’t get a giggle fit and lose your dentures. Ya cooken fuct!

  7. P. Trump will call them out, just watch.
    There is no invite list, yet.
    He will have people that want islam to reform.
    Never underestimate him.
    This will be another win for us and him.

  8. A frickin dreadfully foolish move. Absolutely nothing good can come from this. This guy had an opportunity to keep this country from following the UK, Sweden, France, Germany et al into the abyss. Not that it wasn’t already too late, but he could have turned this around if he had the guts. Kiss your MAGA good-bye.

  9. All,

    Missing MAJOR point here.

    THIS POTUS is real and know how to pay respect.
    (He knows a lot of Arabs and Muslims for a loooong time)

    It’s also very NY in him. DJT had many fine ______working for him.

    This is one of the reasons he got voted in.

    And why not speak to religious conservatism?

    The former POS was a fake phony fraud, speaking during ramaham being ‘christian’ yet raised culturally Muslim?

    That’s the difference Charlie Brown.


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