Christian Baker Prevails At Supreme Court In Same-Sex Wedding Cake Dispute – IOTW Report

Christian Baker Prevails At Supreme Court In Same-Sex Wedding Cake Dispute

Daily Caller – The U.S. Supreme Court issued a narrow ruling Monday in favor of a Christian baker who declined to bake a custom wedding cake for a same-sex wedding, concluding a state agency did not apply anti-discrimination law in a neutral manner.

Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote the opinion for a seven-justice majority. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg dissented, joined by Justice Sonia Sotomayor.

The case was occasioned when David Mullins and Charlie Craig, a gay couple, entered Jack Phillips’ Masterpiece Cakeshop in Lakewood, Colo in 2012. After a short discussion with the prospective patrons, Phillips said he would not sell them a custom wedding cake due to his deeply-held religious beliefs. Mullins and Craig filed a complaint with the Colorado Civil Rights Commission, prompting a lengthy legal battle culminating in an appeal to the high court.

Kennedy explained that the Colorado law can validly protect LGBT patrons, but found the state agency applied the law in a manner hostile towards Phillips’ evangelical beliefs.

“As the record shows, some of the commissioners at the commission’s formal, public hearings endorsed the view that religious beliefs cannot legitimately be carried into the public sphere or commercial domain, disparaged Phillips’ faith as despicable and characterized it as merely rhetorical, and compared his invocation of his sincerely held religious beliefs to defenses of slavery and the Holocaust,” Kennedy wrote.

He also noted that the commission’s decision respecting Phillips was inconsistent with its treatment of similar disputes. On three occasions the state civil rights division found in favor of merchants who declined to create cakes conveying messages disparaging same-sex couples or promoting orthodox Christian belief.  more here

33 Comments on Christian Baker Prevails At Supreme Court In Same-Sex Wedding Cake Dispute

  1. Since when is a 7-2 SCOTUS decision a narrow ruling? I guess it’s fairly easy to figure out the bias of this author. Good call old guys. Old gals, not so much.

  2. The media can’t control themselves and they cannot report the news without their biased spin. They don’t realize they highlight and put the spotlight on the victory when they pull their BS ‘narrow’ headline crap.

  3. Mr Pinko
    I always thought they could have baked the special🌈 cake and just mixed up the salt and sugar. Imagine their special occasion and biting into that salty cake.

  4. You know what the most absurd part of all this is? Probably the best wedding cake maker in Colorado is gay. If they wanted the best they could have patronized one of their own.

  5. “Since when is a 7-2 SCOTUS decision a narrow ruling?”

    The media always pick their words carefully. The.word “narrow” was intentionally picked for more than obfuscation. Think “narrow-minded” and “straight and narrow”.

  6. Mr.Pinko hit the nail square on the head.
    I wouldn’t like Jesse Jackson to serve me fast food, nor would I ask an evangelical baker to bake me a gay cake, that I wanted to eat.
    It’s a setup, if for no other reason, they should be denied.
    The Sting was illegal.

  7. You could also ask why they aren’t suing Muslims for refusing to perform the same service.
    Every single lawsuit has been against WHITE CHRISTIANS.

  8. About fucking time! This was never about the cake. This was about queer tyranny, and attacking Christians and forcing them to deny their faith and beliefs. It is NEVER about the cake.

  9. This really isn’t as good a ruling as you might think. The ruling basically says that when some state board of prog motherfuckers teams up with a couple of faggots for a targeted harassment campaign against a Christian owned business, the cunts working for the state have to at least try to hide their hatred of Christians and glee at fucking them over off the official record. It’s a ruling backing the false appearance of neutrality when none really exists.

  10. These faggots were activists looking until they found a christian bakery to pull this stunt. They want people to cower under the threat of being financially destroyed. Glad they lost but I’d bet my house that they weren’t footing their legal fees.

  11. Finally – push back from SCOTUS to evil. ‘Bout time.

    I remember the signs in shop windows stating: “We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone”. Maybe the SCOTUS ruling will allow shops to post those signs again.

  12. Personally I bake the cake…

    If you’re not comfy with that I’ll support your right to refuse..

    Still as a Christian I bake the cake..

    As I do for the lairs, cheats, adulterers, drunks, etc….

    I’ve never liked the single out a sin and protest it…

    Do I like “Heather’s two mommies” … No…

    But “Heather’s dad is an alcoholic that molests her “hasn’t been written either…

    Still, I bake the cake but I won’t be at the ceremony or reception…

    How’s that for a Right wing fundamentalist Christian perspective?


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