The Clintons are the biggest Victims on the Planet – IOTW Report

The Clintons are the biggest Victims on the Planet

They aren’t Victims.

Hell, they’re not even decent people.

Patriot Retort: I watched some of the clips from Bill Clinton’s interview on the Today Show. And I gotta tell you, after all these years the Clintons still see themselves as the biggest Victims to ever walk the earth.

“Nobody believes that I got out of that for free. I left the White House $16 million in debt.”

Oh, poor Bill Clinton. He left the White House … what’s the phrase? … dead broke. So, see, he’s the Victim here. Not the young intern he was diddling. And certainly not Paula Jones whom he abused.

You didn’t leave the White House in debt because of Monica Lewinsky, you dumbass.

You were in debt because Paula Jones sued you for sexual harassment and you decided to perjure yourself. And you tried to obstruct justice by getting others to commit perjury.  MORE

12 Comments on The Clintons are the biggest Victims on the Planet

  1. I blame H. Ross Perot for Clinton ever getting elected, but I blame both of the Clintons for bringing down the Office of the President of the United States. Remember, until that blue dress turned up, both of the Clintons were going to deny everything and brand Monica Lewinsky a mental case stalker. Thanked you, Monica, for your sentimental attachment to the evidence that President William Jefferson Clinton was such an excitable boy.

  2. Marco,

    I blame the Republican establishment for nominating them and am glad that lying sack of shit George Herbert Walker Bush and ol’ ethanol Dole both got their asses handed to them.

  3. I, for one, am “enjoying the show”.

    Many like me are as well.

    Wait until that I.G. report comes out. I hope it’s all it’s been hyped up to be.


  4. JD: I still believe that George H.W. Bush would have been much better than having Clinton for eight years. An awful lot of the rot that has wrecked our country started with the Clintons. As we were reminded by Hillary, the country got both of them when he got elected. She started the country down the path of socialized health care. After we finally got her out of the White House, we had to endure her as a worthless Senator from New York, a candidate for President, a feckless Secretary of State, and then running for President a second time, followed by her WTF Happened book tour. So, thanks for nothing, H. Ross Perot.

  5. Dinner Spoiler Alert–do not read this while eating…

    Bitter about his Peyronie penis and taking it out on women for decades. I hope it falls off, and out his open fly into one of Hillary’s abandoned shoes in the gutter.

    Apologies for the imagery.

  6. How do you drop 16 million on lawyers?
    They fucking lived rent-free most of their lives.
    He had Hillary’s magical Cattle Futures plus a steady job for eight years.
    No wonder they stole the furniture and good China when they left.
    Hell, we should have tacked on another $100K to replace the damn computers they smashed when they left.
    Spending their own money must really piss them off!

  7. ….”and then…and then… she popped my dick out of her mouth and s….oh God…. (sob) …then she slapped it against her cheek while winking at me…”


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