Howard Schultz Leaving Starbucks CEO Job, Could Consider Run for President – IOTW Report

Howard Schultz Leaving Starbucks CEO Job, Could Consider Run for President


KTLA5: Howard Schultz is leaving his job at Starbucks — and says he may consider running for president.

Starbucks announced Monday that Schultz, a former CEO and the most prominent face of the company, will step down later this month as executive chairman.

In an interview with The New York Times, he acknowledged that he may consider a bid for the White House.

“I want to be truthful with you without creating more speculative headlines,” he said. “For some time now, I have been deeply concerned about our country — the growing division at home and our standing in the world.”

Schultz, one of the most politically outspoken corporate leaders in America, has been rumored before as a potential Democratic candidate.

He has spoken frequently about race, and Starbucks has taken progressive stances on social issues — including gay marriage, immigration and President Trump’s travel ban. Last year, the company said it plans to hire 10,000 refugees over five years. read more

29 Comments on Howard Schultz Leaving Starbucks CEO Job, Could Consider Run for President

  1. What is it with these leftists who “consider” running for President? Does he figure that since he set his company on the road to bankruptcy he should now do it to the country?

  2. This poor fool has his head stuck in a dark place. If indecisiveness was the key to the Oval Office, this guy will be it.
    However regarding had eight years of indecisiveness. His redeeming feature,
    He did turn the Starbucks into the biggest free bathroom in the country. Stockholders will love that!

  3. Some of the most successful capitalists are progressive socialists.
    I just don’t get it, are they guilty for the wealth they’ve created?

    The guilt must be overwhelming enough to advocate and force all of us middle income Americans to pay for those who refuse to work while they use their $Millions to bankroll socialists/marxists and progressives to be leaders in government.

  4. Okay, those with professional psych training can offer a tentative diagnosis now!
    He’s not terribly good at his present job, yet he wants to share the benefit of his “leadership experience” with the entire world.
    I smell some pathology here.

  5. @ MJA – May heaven help us! We are ONE vote away in the Legislature from complete full blown Andrew Il Supremo.

    If EITHER runs for president? I say BRING IT ON.


  6. I haven’t been in a Starbucks since the snot-nosed barista attempted to “educate” me that Venti was the correct way to order the large cup of coffee. My reply was venti is Italian for 20.

  7. See the repercussions in the private sector play out. Same thing needs to happen with positions of government, only more swiftly, where elected officials should be less immune to scrutiny being they are servants. If that held true, the tax payer funded progressive arm of government would fall apart overnight.

  8. First he ruined the most popular coffee shop in America, and now he’s after America herself.

    Words cannot express how flabbergasted I am at the sheer gall of this idiot.


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