What’s up with Papadopoulos? – IOTW Report

What’s up with Papadopoulos?

CTH:  Sketchy Simona Mangiate, Papadopoulos Wife (?) Asks President Trump to Interfere in Mueller Investigation.

Given the fact we are certain that George Papadopoulos was working as an informant for Special Counsel Robert Mueller as an outcome of a plea deal in July 2017, it is rather sketchy for his wife-not-wife Simona Mangiate to be requesting a pardon for her husband, the “proactive cooperator“.

Robert Mueller is looking for a reason to create the “obstruction” case against President Trump; a pardon for George Papadopoulos would play right into that effort; and Papadopoulos is working with Mueller.  Hmmmm?  Sketchy. All of it.  more here

8 Comments on What’s up with Papadopoulos?

  1. @Czar.

    If the IG report drops in the next few days. Sounds like rosenstein is sanitizing it to cover his own ass, as well as the other deep throaters. I mean staters.

  2. When is Mueller’s witch hunt going to be considered obstruction of justice? If trying to manufacture evidence to base a case against someone who hasn’t done anything wrong is not obstructing justice then there is no meaning to the term.

  3. FBI interviewed Mifsud in Feb. Mifsud is supposedly MIA. This chick worked for Mifsud and introduced Pappa to Mifsud. And why must “the wifey” appear on national TV to plead GP case?

    Why are the shadiest, most corrupt characters brazenly on TV/social media, Brennan, Clapper, Comey…..this honeypot, with absolutely no concern for repercussions?

    @Holden. I saw the Outside Contiguous US LURES unredacted. I believe they’re referring to special fishing lures made in Norway, not spies (or informants). LOL.


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