California: Gavin Newsom, John Cox to face off in governor’s race – IOTW Report

California: Gavin Newsom, John Cox to face off in governor’s race

SFC: Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, the former San Francisco mayor who has spent nearly eight years as understudy to Gov. Jerry Brown, secured a spot Tuesday night in the November general election to succeed the termed-out governor.

He will face John Cox, a little-known Republican businessman who moved to California only a few years ago and has lost four previous runs for elective office — including one for president. California’s outnumbered GOP voters coalesced around Cox after President Trump tweeted an endorsement of him late in the campaign. He was running second in Tuesday’s primary, with 26 percent of the vote, behind Newsom’s 34 percent.

Newsom’s fellow Democrat Antonio Villaraigosa, a former state Assembly speaker and ex-mayor of Los Angeles, was locked in a battle for third with GOP Assemblyman Travis Allen of Orange County. But only the top two finishers advance to the Nov. 6 general election, and both Villaraigosa and Allen were far behind Cox. MORE


15 Comments on California: Gavin Newsom, John Cox to face off in governor’s race

  1. Newsom should have been jailed for breaking the law and authorizing gay marriage. But of course they’re always above the law. Bastard! Deep state within a state.

  2. Why what? You go to that address, type in your name, social, drivers license number and it tells you your vote status. Mine was “Not Accepted”. Reason “N/A”. I find it REALLY strange that the final vote was identical to the polls.

  3. Massive voter fraud is happening and will increase as the left become more panicked.

    Driver’s licenses given to illegal aliens in many states to use as voter ID, ‘finding’ ballots in car trunks, emptying the nursing home and adult foster care with ‘handlers’ to help each of them ‘vote’, emptying jails and allowing felons to vote, rigging voting machines to change votes to all Ds after voter leaves, etc.

    And now, with Bad-Brad’s and other’s that I’ve read on Twitter, they are playing deadly games with mail/early voting to discount R votes.

    The longer we have to wait for justice to be served to the illegal, traitorous behavior of the Obama gang, the more bold the illegal, traitorous left will become.

    I’m glad that we are winning in so many areas of promises kept, but until we deal with voter fraud, we will not prevail.

  4. BB

    We ain’t far behind you here in IL. The only thing we have left is the local stuff if you’re living out in the boonies and those can be compromised also (in either direction).

  5. Freudulent,
    Mine was a mail in ballot. But we have found one person that didn’t receive their mail in so the went to a polling place and got a provisional. Their vote was disqualified as well.

  6. B_B
    I see.
    Plenty of stories about ballots being “lost” or “misplaced” and found too late. For that reason I like to vote in person.
    InkaDot used here; the ballot is tabulated (or verified) when deposited in the ballot box.
    Somewhat satisfying to see the green light as the slip is accepted.

  7. Brad,

    You got disqualified because you live in the area the libtards hate; white upper-middle class.

    You’re a gun manufacturer.

    You work.

    You pay taxes.

    You vote against Communism and Socialism.

  8. Voting malfeasance aside, this is lifted from a comments thread on fb;
    Two friends of mine had the misfortune of being assigned to be among Newsom’s teachers at Redwood High School.

    They both describe him as extremely stupid, but one did so elegantly:

    “Newsom is sitting in the corner rocking, sucking his thumb, stupid.”

    If not for the accident of his father being a high school classmate of Gordon Getty, and Gavin befriending the son William Getty, he’d be unknown and safely away from the levers of government and heavy equipment.

    He’s nothing but a Brylcream poster boy hand puppet for the whims of the Gettys, Willie Brown, John Burton, and other career parasites and criminals.

    The Gettys have continuously showered him with money, including setting him up in a wine shop business in San Francisco, which he nonetheless proceeded to destroy.

    For example, the idiot literally exploded $40,000 worth of wine because he stored the bottles in a hot, un-ventilated room.

    Newsom is what you get when you combine dumb luck, graft and corruption, and idlers with piles of old oil baron money.


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