“What Magic Wand Do You Have…?” – IOTW Report

“What Magic Wand Do You Have…?”

It’s a pretty powerful wand, actually.

12 Comments on “What Magic Wand Do You Have…?”

  1. Isn’t Magic Wand Barry’s nickname for his favorite Reggie appendage ? I read Somewhere Barry got all excited & stuff whenever Reggie called out, “Hey Barrack! Abracadabra !” The phrase that started a new round of Hide the Magic Wand.

  2. I heard obama is still asserting that our Trump era jobs numbers are made up. I never believed we would have two “worse presidents in history” within my lifetime. Both Democrats. Lucky us, huh?

  3. Who needs a magic wand when PDT has such famously large hands?

    Wait until this time next year when PDT’s economic & trade course corrections really pick up momentum.

    MAGA, baby.


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