Planned Parenthood Engaged In Massive Sex Abuse Cover-Up, Investigative Report Finds – IOTW Report

Planned Parenthood Engaged In Massive Sex Abuse Cover-Up, Investigative Report Finds

DC—Planned Parenthood has covered up sex abuse for years by failing to report victims who came to its clinics to get abortions.

Live Action, a “media movement dedicated to building a culture of life and ending abortion,” published an investigative report Thursday showing that the abortion organization has been complicit in aiding sex abuse for years and turning a blind eye to abuse so as not to stain its reputation.

Planned Parenthood told a 15-year-old Arizona girl who’d been raped that they wouldn’t report her rape to the police because it was too much of an inconvenience, a 2014 sheriff report shows. The abortion organization maintains that it mistakenly “miscoded” the incident as consensual sex rather than abuse.

In another case, George Savannah raped and impregnated his daughter when she was only 14, 16 and 17 years old, court documents in Washington show. After she became pregnant, he took her to multiple Planned Parenthood clinics to get abortions so that he would not get caught for abusing her daughter. The abortion organization did not report any suspected abuse despite the girl’s young age.

The report goes on to cite a number of sexual abuse cover-ups, including a father’s rape of his 13-year-old daughter multiple times in 2014, after which he took her to Planned Parenthood to get abortions. Rather than report the crime and offer assistance to the young girl, the abortion organization told the girl not to have sex for three weeks and to get an IUD. MORE

10 Comments on Planned Parenthood Engaged In Massive Sex Abuse Cover-Up, Investigative Report Finds

  1. I can’t even begin to imagine the emotional scars these young victims carry. May everyone connected to Planned Parenthood burn in the deepest pits of hell.

  2. They must be branching out now to other areas of deprivation. With all the federal money Ryan and others made sure they still received they’ve expanded their business model.

  3. Weird, though. One wouldn’t think they’d want to cover it up; quite the opposite. You’d think the ‘rape and incest’ argument is one they’d want to trumpet, as it would, in their eyes, add a veneer of legitimacy to their propaganda.


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