Twitter Finally De-Verifies Louis Farrakhan – IOTW Report

Twitter Finally De-Verifies Louis Farrakhan

DC: Twitter appears to have de-verified Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan on Friday, two days after he ranted about “Satanic Jews” and the “Synagogue of Satan.”

Farrakhan is a notorious racist and anti-Semite who has close ties to several Democratic members of Congress.

“I wonder will you recognize Satan? I wonder, will you see the Satanic Jew and the Synagogue of Satan, which has many races in it, because Satan has deceived the whole world, and think about the message that I was blessed by God to give you today,” Farrakhan said in a video he posted Wednesday.

“Think about what they’re gonna say when they have been so thoroughly and completely unmasked. Whenever you read that God has told the Jews to hear and obey, and they say, I hear and I disobey, that’s Satan,”  he continued.   more here

SNIP: OooOoOoh Twitter took away his blue check mark!  He’s in trouble NOW!

6 Comments on Twitter Finally De-Verifies Louis Farrakhan

  1. “Men are men and women are women” equals the dropping of Thor’s mighty banhammer.

    “Kill Whitey and the Satanic Jews that control him as has been dictated by the honorable Elijah Mohammed in his UFO that hides behind the moon” by the man who ordered the execution of Malcolm X and never stood trial for it equals a meaningless blue checkmark taken away.

    Must be the algorithm.


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