Obama Remembers Anthony Bourdain By Posting Picture Of Himself – IOTW Report

Obama Remembers Anthony Bourdain By Posting Picture Of Himself

DC: Former President Barack Obama marked the passing of celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain by posting a picture of himself with Bourdain.

A few hours later, because one picture of Obama and Bourdain together wasn’t enough, he did it again.

34 Comments on Obama Remembers Anthony Bourdain By Posting Picture Of Himself

  1. After that picture was taken, a former NVA regular came up to Barry and asked him if he could push in his stool….Barry became unavailable for 48 hours….

  2. The man-child is un-freakin-believable. He just can’t allow anyone their moment without superimposing himself.
    Not once since 2008 have we seen anyone remembered or memorialized by themselves without this fly-faced, blue-lipped, walkin turd injecting himself into the moment.

  3. How do you spell megalomaniac? o-b-a-m-a.

    Someone needs to climb to the top of the erupting volcano Kilauea in Hawaii and hurl Obama into it as a sacrifice to the gods (not allah) Perhaps then it will calm down.

  4. Obama was doing exactly what McCain had been doing in Hanoi while the other men were being confined and tortured. Drinking cold beer and eating.

  5. Bourdain hardly brought us together, he was just another foul-mouthed elite who thought he knew more and was better than the rest of us. I’m sorry for his family, particularly his daughter, that he took the coward’s way out–but for the rest of us not so much!

  6. I’m with Arby, he sure as hell didn’t bring us together by taking himself out of the game, either. And tell me why we “remember” someone who kills himself? I find no reason to ‘celebrate’ his life when he wouldn’t stay in the game.

  7. Remember the Beer Summit of 2009? Sgt. James Crowley had a Blue Moon. Henry Louis Gates had a Sam Adams Light.

    Obama had the Trabant of the beer world: a Bud Light.

    His taste in beer reflects his taste for excellence: blatantly absent.

  8. Bourdain was just another “the world is a mean place” malcontent that spared us having to endure any more of his sniveling. Better late than never.
    The fact that Obama insinuated himself into the story to make it about him is hilarious.

  9. the narcissist in chief posts again. Obozo is so full of himself it’s laughable, if it wasn’t so sad.
    Most ex-presidents had the class to fade away and keep out of the limelight but not this bozo. He keeps popping up like a crazy ex wife. Can we get a restraining order?

  10. Dan Ryan Galt June 10, 2018 at 9:57 am

    I’ll be sending Barry a bath robe with instructions for Christmas…sorry, make that Ramadan.
    Obummer only needs the belt, save yourself some money on the robe and postage.

  11. Arby June 10, 2018 at 6:57 am

    Bourdain hardly brought us together, he was just another foul-mouthed elite who thought he knew more and was better than the rest of us. I’m sorry for his family, particularly his daughter, that he took the coward’s way out–but for the rest of us not so much!

    I’m happy the prick is gone. This turd if given the chance would have killed Trump:


    Anthony Bourdain, host of CNN’s Part Unknown, told a TMZ reporter that he would serve President Donald Trump “hemlock,” a highly poisonous plant if given the opportunity.

    Bourdain was approached by the reporter outside LAX airport and asked if he would do a food show in North Korea, to which he emphatically replied “no” — as he proceeded to go on a foul-mouthed rant about North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un, calling him a “chubby, evil little F**k.”
    However, when asked what he would serve if he were to cater a dinner for President Donald Trump, Bourdain replied “hemlock.”

  12. Revealing quote at the end – – “To make us a little less afraid of the unknown.” Well Barry, there are many of us who are not afraid of the unknown because we live honest productive lives. You and the other leftist parasites have good reason to be afraid of the “unknown” because you will be judged by the truth that you don’t pursue.

  13. They way I heard it was that the second pic is a fake account (Barrack Obama?) and was actually posted BEFORE the real Barky’s tweet, anticipating that the real Barky would do this.

  14. Mark Simone said he used to be friends with Bourdain but after the election “Tony” became an unhinged liberal loon who wouldn’t talk to anyone who didn’t march in lockstep.

  15. Payback time– when Obama finally kicks the bucket, let there be absolutely NO pictures shown of him… we were so inundated with that piece of dreck in his faked-up life.

  16. Oh there will be a picture of Barky when he kicks the bucket all right.

    Picture a grave perpetually watered by the urine of the legions of us who would dismember that bony corpseman if the SS would promise to stand down.

  17. Liberal whack-a-morons always say things like “he taught us this, and he taught us that, and his cooking and his food (or whatever) brings us together”. What a load of BS.

    So someone I don’t know also likes pizza, hot dogs, cheeseburgers, and beer and I’m supposed to get all goose-bumpy over it?

    Liberals have been tearing this country apart for decades, then talk about bringing us together? They can all drown in a bowl of Pho for all I care.

  18. This is former President Selfie-Stick’s signature move.

    Celebrity dies – post selfie you took with them to make their death about you. See also: Neil Armstrong, Nelson Mandela, etc., etc.

  19. The Jamaicans don’t even make Red Stripe now. I had one last year and the label said it was brewed in Latrobe, PA. Latrobe is home to Rolling Rock.

    Bottyman done stole mah beer, maaan.

  20. The Jamaicans don’t even make Red Stripe. I had one last year and the label said it was brewed in Latrobe, PA. To those who know it, Latrobe is the home of Rolling Rock.

    Battyman done stole mah beer, maaan.

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