UK Robinson Protest Direct from London: What Happened and Why – IOTW Report

UK Robinson Protest Direct from London: What Happened and Why

Liberty Nation Managing Editor Mark Angelides and correspondent Laura Valcovic document tens of thousands of protesters at the Free Tommy Robinson protest in Trafalgar Square today. Included was an “information blackout” where the rally was held, some unrest between protesters and British police and speakers urging the crowd to stand up for liberty: UK Robinson Protest: What Happened & Why


12 Comments on UK Robinson Protest Direct from London: What Happened and Why

  1. Boyle and he NWO buddies have made the UK a bad place! As Maggie said he was doing 20 years ago. Maggie was honest, Tony a crook! He sold the Brits “Down the River”!!?@#!?%&^!
    A hero to “Internationalists” but a traitor to working Brits.

  2. I hope the Jackboots realize they’d better do all they can to insure Tommy Robinson’s safety. If they were smart, they’d let him go immediately. They are playing with smoldering fire, not a flash in the pan.

  3. You might think the American people would be interested in hearing about a freedom of speech issue. But the only thing the American press will cover is the dysfunctional royal family.

  4. But, but, surely, surely, Reporters Without Borders, The American Fifth ColumnFourth Estate, some Brit hating cheese loving network, and defenders of freedom (thanks, Mel Gibson) would carry the flame of truth from a Free And Democratic™ American ally, NATO member, EU member, and all around swell, non-imperialist, former empire, that got on The Right Side of History™, out to the benighted masses! Especially those blinded by the dark shadow of Nazi Drumpf! This isn’t Tienanmen Square! What, what about Tienanmen Square? Oh. Never mind.

  5. @Thirdtwin June 10, 2018 at 12:16 pm

    > I hope the Jackboots realize they’d better do all they can to insure Tommy Robinson’s safety. If they were smart, they’d let him go immediately. They are playing with smoldering fire, not a flash in the pan.

    They should keep him safe and soundless through Halloween. That’ll tamp the sparks down.

  6. Subjects have no expectation of Free Speech.
    They are subjects, after all … not citizens.

    It is the United Kingdom – not the Republic of England.
    Oh … and they CHOSE to be subjects. They CHOSE to have no “rights” – only duties.
    Their “Living Constitution” totally excludes them from any legal/political process.
    They can only sit and watch as their “betters” manage their decline.
    They are helpless in the face of overwhelming armed force.

    And they know it (much like a battered wife who stays with her abusive husband).

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. “To tell the truth, I’m not too sure how deep the coals of freedom are in Britain anymore.”

    Not very. Generations of socialism have neutered most and cowed almost all the rest. What you see here in this protest is a token — push come to shove they know they disarmed themselves. They’d fold. I wish I could believe otherwise about my cousins but they give me no evidence to. And THAT’S why England will be at least partly governed by Islam within 50 years at the outside. 25 is not impossible at this rate. Demographics is destiny.

  8. I read on that site, or another, that TPTB shut down net communications for an effective radius. And some people in England are still puzzled as to why we fought for freedom.

  9. @Tim June 10, 2018 at 12:56 pm

    > They are subjects, after all … not citizens.

    Perhaps…? They need a king.
    (And… no… not a constitutional monarch, appointed according to parliament.)

  10. Thank God our forefathers had the great sense to break away from England’s rule (very risky) and to create a Constitution establishing rules that limit tyranny.


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