Obama Has Been Quietly Meeting With 2020 Dem Contenders – IOTW Report

Obama Has Been Quietly Meeting With 2020 Dem Contenders

Yes, Obama, the reason we have President Trump, thinks he is going to help a Democrat win in ’20. What a comedian!

Daily Caller:

President Obama has been secretly meeting with Democrats who are expected to or have expressed interested in pursuing the party’s nomination for 2020 over the last few months, according to POLITICO.

Obama has met with Sen. Bernie Sanders, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, and his former Vice President Joe Biden, among others.

Former presidential candidate Sanders has been linked to the 2020 nomination for a while. A new Democratic National Convention rule, however, could hinder his campaign before it begins.

According to the rule, any person vying for the Democratic nomination has to be a registered Democrat, which Sanders isn’t; he’s a registered independent.

Warren has become a popular choice among the public as a potential nominee. She and the president have fought relentlessly since he was sworn in.

Trump coined the nickname “Pocohantas” for the senator, who claims she is of Native American ancestry. Despite the meetings with Obama, she stated in an interview that she “[will] not run for president.” MORE

22 Comments on Obama Has Been Quietly Meeting With 2020 Dem Contenders

  1. So for the first time Barry has done something other than NCAA picks? Stoned shiftless non-experienced trash. Ugh I know Trump plays golf,,Barry did it for a whole year out of 8 years,,, crickets,,, at least he learned how to do something.

  2. BHO should adopt the Trump approach, pick an outsider. In this case someone outside the circle of sanity. He could recommend Maxine Waters. Tell her she can “Impeach 45” by ousting him at the voting booth. Or R. DeNiro, the Raging Bulls__ter.

  3. This is welcoming news. I think they should listen to the man that brought the democrat party to it’s knees. He’s been the neutron bomb of the party’s self destruction.

  4. He must be gathering the faithful for protection. Slowly his fraudulent and sordid past is coming to light and his nerves are beginning to fray. The slithering bastard is not feeling quite so untouchable.

  5. Warren, Biden and Sanders? Please. No wonder he’s “quietly” meeting with them. Embarrassing.

    Is ValJar in the meetings, or is she instructing him through an earpiece?

  6. To my knowledge, the pass given to Mr. Marshall-Davis Jr’s skin color is a non-transferable currency to white, leftwing Communists over the age of 70.

  7. “president obama has been secretly meeting with democrats”

    some secret he blabbed about it to to all the media stations who cared.

    he wanted to make sure he got some credit if worked.

  8. “Obama has met with Sen. Bernie Sanders, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, and his former Vice President Joe Biden, among others.”

    Who else would meet with the worthless dumbass? I bet he had to buy them lunch.

  9. Can I predict the Democrat nominee’s platform here?
    – Raise taxes on the “rich”
    – Raise taxes on businesses
    – Reject God
    – Promote abortion
    – More people on welfare
    – Open borders
    – More illegal voters
    – Raise taxes (some more)

  10. I can’t figure why Obama would meet with Sanders considering the Democrats screwed him over in the primaries last time. Now they are trying to re-write the rules so you HAVE TO be a Democrat in order to get a nomination. Sanders gonna switch parties? Doubtful.

  11. This is equivalent of Barry’s teaching class on how to climb Mt. Everest. He is never done this himself nor does he have the experience to teach skills to others.
    I hope his classes are free of charge.

  12. This is equivalent of Barry’s teaching class on how to climb on Everest. He is never done this himself nor does he have the experience to teach skills to others.
    I hope his classes are free of charge.

  13. organgrinder, he’s figured out that his legacy and his skullduggery is coming apart and he’s picking a patsy. If you’re a prominent Democrat and don’t get invited for a meeting, it’s probably going to be you.


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