Obama’s ‘wholesale destruction’ of tens of thousands of National Archive Records – IOTW Report

Obama’s ‘wholesale destruction’ of tens of thousands of National Archive Records

CFP: Why is no one asking this question?

Are the tens of thousands of National Archives records destroyed by the former Obama administration a cover up for the corruption of Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential election and removal of every scrap of truth that the RussiaGate investigation is a total fabrication?

How was it even possible for tens of thousands of key records of the Obama administration to go missing from the National Archives?

The United States is a nation not a movie.

But if it were a movie, it would be one we’ve seen before.  The records are missing, and although the perps have been identified, they’re getting to skate off, scott free.

National Archivist David Ferriero admits tens of thousands of records have gone missing.  Respected founding Times Book publisher Thomas H. Lipscomb reported on the story to RealClearPolitics last Sunday.  The mainstream and social media yawned.

Most significantly:  Why did no one sound the alarm on the missing records until after the horse was well out of the barn?

Anyone would have to admit the sheer audacity of this grand larceny is breathtaking in scope.

This time the perps didn’t need need paper shredders,  tons of trucks or Sandy Berger’s socks.

Here’s how they were able to get away with it.

“The former president, it must be noted, signed a law that put electronic communications under the 1950 Federal Records Act. However, it doesn’t seem that his practice is quite what he preaches. (Western Journal, June 11, 2018)

“Lipscomb wrote that “the accumulation of recent congressional testimony has made it clear that the Obama administration itself engaged in the wholesale destruction and ‘loss’ of tens of thousands of government records covered under the act as well as the intentional evasion of the government records recording system by engaging in private email exchanges.”  MORE HERE

19 Comments on Obama’s ‘wholesale destruction’ of tens of thousands of National Archive Records

  1. Amazing how that happens…

    “WASHINGTON (CNN) , May 20, 2009 — The National Archives — a repository of important government documents, including the U.S. Constitution — has lost a computer hard drive containing large volumes of Clinton administration records, including the names, phone numbers and Social Security numbers of White House staff members and visitors.”


  2. NO ONE can make a legitimate argument why that fraud JACKASS shouldn’t be in shackles, in a cell, in a max security prison!

    Makes me want to …. …….. …. !!!!!!!

  3. “Are the tens of thousands of National Archives records destroyed by the former Obama administration a cover up for the corruption of Hillary Clinton ..”

    That’s like asking – is Pope Francis a communist, is Obama a communist Muslim traitor?

  4. Shrug.

    The beauty about setting up a third world banana republic kleptocracy is that there is no accountability.
    Nobody gets charged. Nobody gets punished. And the citizenry? They’re lucky they’re not in gulags. Yet.
    Keep working ants. We’ve got a criminal enterprise to finance here.
    Pay to the order of Uncle Sam.

    There is really only one remedy left, but we’ve become so accustomed to this corruption that nobody will muster and the Washington monument looks like a middle finger.

  5. I play poker with family and friends the evening before opening day of deer season every year (November 15th). A couple of them are, well, not really leftists, just useful idiots (retired union members). At the 2016 game I jokingly apologized to them for the rapist’s wife’s loss (which everyone else laughed at, but the two of them pretended like they didn’t vote for her anyway). Then I said the Obama regime will be doing nothing for the next two months but destroying documents. In fact, I said, I wouldn’t be surprised if there were widespread power outages all along the east coast as the paper shredders in the White House sucked up all the juice. They looked at me as if I was crazy.

    I just e-mailed them the link to this article and a simple statement: I’m not clairvoyant, just woke.

  6. We’ll still be uncovering crimes by that commie scumbag in the years to come. He’ll be out on the fairway with that irritating smug look on his filthy face.

  7. I, as well as most of the people I know have lost all confidence in our “government”, better referred to as a criminal enterprise. The fix is always in for the elites and the citizens are abused at every turn. The government creates the atmosphere where everyone thinks he has to be looking over his shoulder all the time. The boot heels are always on our necks. If it’s not taxes and regulations, it’s the blatant corruption that permeates Washington and its career politicians. The IGs report just released is just another coverup of criminal activity evident to any thinking individual. Sad to see our once great country deteriorating before our eyes. I’m old so I don’t have to worry about it much longer/ I hope a generation comes along that will have the balls to right the sinking ship.

  8. @ Paul B- you just lost your poker players…

    @ No Mama – thought the same thing about Sandy the Burglar, another one hopefully in hell.

    We were at the National Archives last summer. Saw all our Founding Documents.

    We were in AWE and this story SICKENS ME.


  9. I still question who Berger knew at the National Archives to be allowed to leave with the guilty evidence much less left alone in the archives to work. Certain rules are followed in Archives regarding care and protection. Cameras should be everywhere. If you have ever been to an archive repository (Remember this was The National Archives!) you check in, state your request or had already pre contacted staff about research request, store your personal property outside of research area, walk in, sometimes allowed with pencil & paper and wait for the information to be brought out by an archive aid.
    He didn’t pull the papers himself, nor would he have been left alone. Who gave him the clearance and ability to steal the papers??


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