What is the Deep State and does it exist? – IOTW Report

What is the Deep State and does it exist?

PWS: Kudos to The Daily Caller for its production of the following video, that, while looking and sounding like a James O’Keefe production, relies on reports from the brightest, most experienced patriots in Washington including James Rosen, one of finest journalists in the country who was the victim of Deep State surveillance himself a few years ago, and retired Army officer LTC Tony Shaffer, among the more knowledgeable and experienced intel experts anywhere.

It was Shaffer who broke the news in 2014 that not only did Barack Hussein trade five high-level terrorist leaders imprisoned at Guantanamo in exchange for the foul traitor Bowe Bergdahl, but also paid the traitor $300,000 and, incredibly, paid Qatar $5 billion to arrange the exchange.

Shaffer broke that news on Bill O’Reilly’s Fox News program (video here). Shaffer’s bombshell revelation sailed right past O’Reilly who always seems more interested in interrupting his guests than catching the bombshell developments they are reporting, like $5 billion to Qatar to help bring home a filthy deserter who is free to this day.  MORE HERE/WATCH

9 Comments on What is the Deep State and does it exist?

  1. Erick Erickson says there is no deep state, only incompetent bureaucrats engaged in random turf wars. That is pretty much the official position of Nevertrump, Inc., so no surprise there. But from where I sit, the bureaucrats are very competent at destroying peoples’ lives and reputations, and they don’t seem to be fighting with each other at all.

  2. Remember the week and evening of the election when there was a fellow on the internet saying that we were watching a coup(?) and that the people spinning it were threatened with annihilation if they didn’t stop? Later the voting began to shift. This was all plain to some people back then but dragging it into the light has been something else.
    Hang them all and let God sort them out.

  3. It’s not a crazy conspiracy. It’s not even that hard to figure out.

    For decades we’ve had this sham of a two party system when in fact we have had one “party”. Everyone knows this. This is the first time since God knows when that we have a president and a congressional caucus (thank you, tea party) who set the uniparty in bold relief — it’s like figuring out how to look at those holographic abstracts where the hidden picture magically emerges. It was there all along but we just couldn’t see it.

    I mentioned this Imprimus article – it’s worth a read:

    “The History and Danger of Administrative Law”


    This is the Deep State. The only confusion — if there is one — is that we think that the Democrats (alone) are the Deep State. They’re not; it’s just that they are more obvious.

  4. From what I’ve seen of the Report, it’s hard to deny they did Conspire to finish Trump off. And many are still conspiring behind closed doors to save themselves.

  5. Yea, deep as in hell deep…
    Deep state is controlled by
    the NWO.George Soros works for them.
    One country one leader with 80-90% Pop. reduction.
    Many who do their bidding have been promised a
    place in the bunker but will find the bunker
    locked out when they get there…


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